Chapter 72

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Luna's P.O.V
I smiled softly as we were all sitting and talking when Kaido's son/daughter Yamato said she wanted to join the crew and I sighed softly. I looked to the sky and took out my bracelet that Ace, Luffy and Sabo had given me and I looked to the charms on them and touched Ace's charm. "We did it Ace; we set this country free just like you wanted. Our little brother has gotten so much stronger and mature then when you last saw him that day, one day I promise I'll bring our baby brother to your grave and we will have one more drink together. You were right though Ace; this crew is a great bunch of people...their one hell of a crew." I spoke softly to myself as I looked to Ace's charm.

I heard the little girl Otama started crying into Nami who gently hugged the child close as she cried. I knew that after loosing her family and being under the reigning terror of Kaido for so long...she could relax and enjoy being a child for as long as possible. I heard heard Nami speak up to Otama and I could feel pride course through me at Nami being caring to Otama. We were all watching some sort of video screen and I saw Momonosuke was now truly the real shogun of this place and would no doubt bring it back to it's glory days.

Nami smiled softly when she looked to me and I got up and walked over before kneeling besides Nami and Otama and chuckled when Otama gave me a hug as well. "It's all over; these people can be free right Luna?"

"I'm sure Momo will keep them safe and bring this place back to it's glory you honestly believe that the government will keep their noses out of this? Come on you have a bunch of wanted pirates here that they want to arrest and execute. Currently our captain and first mate are down which means we need to get all of our hurt allies into hiding and tended too. But right now we can relax; something tells me they won't come close to quickly." Touching my mating mark and smirked hearing a mental growl at me for the sensation it cause Lucci.

Usopp had joined up with us again and looked up as we watched what was happening and he smiled. "Would you look at that? Momo really had grown and matured since we met him."

"I think Luffy played a part in it; I mean Momo did watch how Luffy leads this crew and Luffy has a way of making people believe in themselves." I spoke up and thought to myself...I wondered how long till we saw Shanks again.

"Luna is something wrong? You look like something is bothering you or your over thinking things." Sanji spoke he healed pretty good but he still need some wounds bandaged. He came over and held a hand out and helped me up as I flinched lightly from my still healing wounds and I saw the worry.

I smiled softly as I knew we had a sibling bond to a point. "Yeah I suppose; I mean so much happened so quickly in a small amount of time." Touching the necklace that was given to me and I gasped when Sanji gave me a hug and I returned it. "Thank you."

Nami noticed and she walked over worried. "The necklace is beautiful; was it made on your island?"

I smiled softly. "Yeah; Kade actually made this necklace himself when we started his training. This was his families crest mark on it; he wore it every day it never left him ever. I think it was a good luck charm for him; the day I got bumped up to an A rank he earned his B rank. From the first time we met we were rivals; always smack talking one another and pushing each other harder and harder...but no one saw me break like he did. Kade had this creepy sense to him; he didn't need a person to talk or anything he just read them like a book and he would know where their state of mind was. To think that I thought he was dead all these years, when he was working in the Navy and CP0; he had tried to heal himself it used a lot of his life force but that was his families talent passed dow for generations I just didn't think that he would end up dying in my arms."

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