Chapter 74

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Luna's P.O.V
As I finished my bath I walked down to the docks and smiled softly seeing the groups talking and giggled listening to Usopp talking happily about our ship with Franky. I walked over and made sure my presence was known and saw Usopp look over as I joined them and sat down. "Nicely done on the repairs you two; you really have gotten better then two years ago Usopp I know your old man is proud of you."

Usopp smiled happily. "Thanks Luna; I needed to hear that. So Luna I was wondering what was your island like?"

I looked too him surprised and noticed that others were listening and I chuckled softly. "Well if your curious then I have nothing to hide; after all I'm proud of my island and my people. What can I say about my island? It was big and filled with all sorts of life both man and beast lived together in harmony. My people lived off the land and sea's; we believed that if you took care of the earth then it would take care of you, we were always exposed to our surroundings since we were babies so many things never really bothered us as we grew up it was a way of life. Some families believed in tough love, others believed in nurturing and cheering the children on and rewarding them without them working for anything but still we all knew as we grew up if we wanted something then you worked for it. Like with myself and Kade we always loved to read whatever we could get our hands on then we had to work for it; usually doing some sort of chores between our training sessions or helping out somewhere on the island to earn the money for whatever we wanted."

"What was your family like?" Killer spoke up from where he was standing.

I smiled softly thinking of my father and mother and chuckled softly. "Those two were like fire and ice; my mother had this burning spirit and she was never afraid to speak her mind no matter what it was; she was a nurturing woman and she showed me gentle love, she would be there to help pick up the pieces when things went wrong and encouraged me to try again or to try new things. When my mother would walk into a room everyone took notice, she brought this warmth but at the same time she could get people to help her...just like Luffy can. My father on the other hand he was like ice and only taught me tough love; my training sessions with him was always guaranteed some sort of pain, he didn't hold back on his punches and kicks but at least he kept it where no one would see them unlike the odd father didn't want me to feel ashamed to be in public, I knew he was only training me after all my island had a reputation to uphold."

"A reputation? You told me that you group up on an island with assassins but never the name of the island." Law spoke up he was looking towards me as I shifted so I could face the group better.

"It was called The Island of Blood, The Island of Assassins; no one could ever sneak on that island not even Cipher Pole. My island only trained the best; they taught us everything that you can imagine. The worst part was when we had to be taught to kill; but we were also taught how to fight against one another with no Marcy shown. That was the number one rule in any fight; No Mercy Shown...there are no rules in fights. And if you had a weapon you better have been ready to use it if you drew it out; there was one time I remember myself and Kade were training together and we weren't suppose to be using blades, Kade had snuck on into the fight actually hid it in his wrappings on his hand I wouldn't have known if he hadn't cut the side of my right arm. I remember ducking his next attack and I think I swiped his feet out from under him before punching him to the ground. I fought with him trying to keep him from using his blade again, man that was a fight in itself he had tossed me off and hit me down hard. That battle got heated quickly it was only suppose to be a small sparring session, did we ever get in hell for that one by our mothers...our fathers on the other hand had found it amusing that they started a bet that night safe to say dad took mom and I out for supper that night." I smiled happily remembering my mother had come running over she was on the medic team that day and she had scolded me before giving me a hug giggling that I finally fought back against a bigger and stronger opponent and had won.

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