Chapter 39

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Luna's P.O.V
The fighting had gotten more hectic but many of the stronger enemy numbers that were leaders in groups were being brought down and I smirked. I could see some of the weaker opponents were trying to retreat or were joining us and fighting back for their own freedom and lives.

I gasped when Luffy and Momo flew between Big Mama, myself, Law and Kidd. I snickered hearing the confusion before I could sense that Luffy and Momo had made it up to the battle between Kaido and his daughter.

As we fought I heard Luffy yell out loudly which cause many of us to listen to his voice. I moved deflecting Big Mama's attack against Law and Kidd. I smirked when she tried to harm me with her blade as I activated all my haki's and saw her's getting drained.

"No it's not possible! I will not loose to some brat!" She got ticked off giving Law and Kidd the opening they needed to attack her hard.

I panted as I moved landing on the floor behind the two males and listened to Luffy yelling he would win as I smirked. "God damn right he'll win; he's not a rookie anymore, he's apart of the worse generation and thought to be on par with the Yonko's now all he needs to do is rise above them all." I could hear my blade growling like a leopard as I smirked mockingly too the woman.

Big Mama laughed. "That lad never ceases to amaze me; thinking he will win this battle here!"

Law took that chance to check on me quickly and I nodded my head slightly signalling I was alright but was starting to get tired some what. Law nodded his head before he stood in front of me protectively as well.

I respected all three captains that were here today fighting against these two strong Yonko. I heard a loud commotion and yelling from Franky and Zoro before I smirked and called Franky.

"Franky what the heck is going on? It sounds like a fricken bomb went off over there."

Franky was snickering when he answered. "Zoro broke a piece of King's mask away and infuriated the man; Zoro's alright and is still fighting him."

I was surprised but smirked snickering seeing the shocked looks on Kidd and Law's faces. "Why am I not surprised; thank you for the update. We'll try to wrap up this fight with Big Mama and then I'll come join You's again. Luffy's taken on the fight by himself agains Kaido you should know what happens now."

"Understood Luna; I'm heading to my next target I'll see you's later." Frank hung up and returned to his fight.

I smirked as I felt a little more rested but dodged one of Big Mama's attacks before I had an evil idea and smirked jumping to Law and Kidd speaking so only they heard. "Her son is defeated I can bet she'll become enraged; we can use that to our advantage."

"Luna has anyone ever told you that your absolutely evil with some of your plans?" Law spoke having his famous smirk on his face.

I smirked. "Yeah my guy and his groups; they hate chasing me I don't play fair and usually..." having an idea and looked up. "I don't play fair; keep her distracted I got an evil idea." Taking off as I knocked back a couple of men that were going to shoot at Kidd and Law and sent the men flying down till they hit Big Mama distracting her efficiently from Law and Kidd who both attacked her and sent her flying and knocked down part of the floor that was above her.

I cursed jumping from the range and spun my blade connecting with another one as I fought and my observation haki kicked in but I was half distracted in my fight as I tried to figure out what was off in this place.

'Lucci? Something's not right here can you ask those CP agents to take a look around where ever they can please.' Wincing when I got cut.

Lucci growled feeling the stinging on his right arm that would be the one I got cut on before he patched himself through to the CP agents here. "Take a look around see if there is anyone or anything else that we're not aware of check any rooms that you can."

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci had done as Luna asked and he knew that his woman was hurt and all he wanted to do was rush there and kill those that harmed Luna but...that would only earn him time away from Luna.

He knew that this was risky but the snail that he was using had made it so he could watch the fighting that the CP agents there had set up.

'Alright their working now Luna; what's going on I felt you get hurt.' He could see where she was and saw her send her opponent flying into Big Mama who was beyond the point of pissed off.

'I got kind of distracted when my haki kicked in I think there is something or someone here that I another major threat. But sadly I have to help deal with Big Mama first; and I'm hitting her with whoever I can I'm hoping to give Kidd and Law a chance to defeat her.'

'I can see that kitten; the men have and are setting up a camera feed I can see you fighting. Coming at your back Luna.' Lucci smirked when Luna ducked and kicked the man's feet out from under him knocking him out. 'I really have got to quit letting you see most of my moves your getting just as bad as me.'

Luna chuckled as she kept fighting and used her speed when more of the floor under her collapsed and she got brought back to Kidd and Law's sides thanks to Law using his room but Luna was in his arms.

Lucci growled ticked and jealous that another man had his hands on Luna. 'He's something else knowing that your...'

'Babe he know's I'm all yours he's just making sure that I don't get myself killed alright?' Luna swung Hell Dancer sending Big Mama flying knot Kidd and Law's trap but they were all soon sent flying and Luna hit a support post hard.

Lucci felt his heart miss a beat from the minute that Luna got sent flying and hit the support post to the minute she landed on her hands and knee's. The beast inside Lucci was craving a blood bath for those who were harming Luna. He was on a ship but they ended up getting slowed down thanks to a storm.

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