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Chapter Thirty-One: "The Trick Is to Keep Breathing"
Season 2, Episode 9

Chapter Thirty-One: "The Trick Is to Keep Breathing" Season 2, Episode 9

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thomas is in bed shirtless waking up as his wife, haley comes into their bedroom with a tray filled of breakfast, "good morning! rise and shine," haley said coming to her and thomas's king size bed.

she placed the tray in front of her husband, who tiredly rubbed at his eyes, "i slaved all morning over the toaster making my famous frozen waffles, so eat up," she said as thomas sits up.

haley kissed at thomas's shoulder, the smith boy looking at the breakfast in front of him, "somebody wants to go to that crummy formal," thomas said.

"crummy? how can you say that?"

haley asked, slapping her husband's arm, "we get to hang out with our friends, get all dressed up and slow dance," thomas sighed, "how can you not be excited?"

thomas turns to look at haley, "because my parents are chaperones," haley looked at her husband's eyes, "okay, well there's that," thomas sighed again, "so what? safety in numbers, i got your back,"

thomas looked at haley, "do we really have to go to this stupid dance?" haley sighed, "all right, well, may not, i mean.. once i get you in that tux, maybe i'll decide we should stay in,"

haley said whispering into her husband's ear kissing his head, "just don't leave me or addison alone with them," haley nods her head, "i won't, i promise,"

he feeds haley some of her waffles hearing haley man once the waffle goes into her mouth, "so good," she said kissing him, "okay my turn,"

thomas eats the waffle from his fork, "okay, that does taste good," he said eating more of the waffles.


thomas comes behind nathan and lucas into a tuxedo store, "check it out, i got tipped off," nathan said looking back at thomas and lucas.

thomas looked at them, "haley is going to get crowned queen tonight," he said looking at nathan and lucas, "oh wow, that's great, does she know?"

thomas shakes his head at lucas, "no, so don't tell her," he said to his best friend, "i've totally been acting like i didn't even want to go," nathan and lucas both smiled, "i've actually got a pretty incredible night lined up for her,"

lucas looked at his best friend, "haley, queen of the formal, now that's hard to believe, considering.." lucas puts the hat away, "last year's formal we spent playing miniature golf whilst thomas went with— who was it again?"

lucas asked his best friend, thomas looked down at the tuxedo, "maisy fields," lucas nods his head, "mm-hmm, maisy fields, i heard she's going to ucla," thomas half smiled, "good, she's a nice girl,"

nathan looked at them, "now i'm hanging out with you losers," nathan said, thomas and lucas looking at him, "hey.." nathan chuckles.


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