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Chapter Seventy-Two: "I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness"
Season 4, Episode 5

Chapter Seventy-Two: "I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness" Season 4, Episode 5

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thomas eats his cereal by himself in his kitchen when his cellphone starts to ring, "hello?" he answered his phone talking to the duke scout who wants to give thomas a full duke scholarship, "yes, sir, tell coach k, i won't let him down, okay, thank you,"

thomas closed his cellphone with a smile on his face standing up, "haley!" he stands up coming to where his wife was in the bathroom, "what?"

haley said looking to her husband, "i'm going to duke," he stated smiling, "i'm pregnant," thomas's smile slightly falls from his face, "w-what?"

"it's not brooke, it's me,"

thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "what, how long have you known?" haley looked at her husband, "a few weeks," thomas raised his eyebrows, "a few weeks?"

haley looked at him, "i'm sorry, i didn't know how to tell you," thomas ran his hand through his hair going to sit down on the stool where he previously was, "can you talk to me?"

haley stands in front of her husband, "can you tell me what you're thinking?" thomas looked up at his wife slightly, "so you still wanna go to stanford?"


thomas looked at his wife, "stanford? for college?" thomas's cellphone started to ring, "um, yeah, of course i do, but i don't.." he looked to his cellphone seeing rachel calling him, "i have to go,"

haley furrowed her eyebrows, "what do you mean? thomas, thomas!" haley walked closely behind her husband, who stopped when he was near the door, "i'm pregnant," haley stated half smiling.

thomas wanted to be happy for him and his wife but with everything that's happening with him needing to focus on school and basketball, he just couldn't be happy, "we're pregnant, at least just tell me how you feel about that?"

"i feel like you should have told me a few weeks ago," he stated, "that's how i feel," he said to haley, his hand coming onto their apartment door handle before opening their apartment door exiting out of it.


thomas comes into rachel's and brooke's house stopping when he sees brooke about to exit out of her house, "thomas?"

thomas turned to face his friend, "hey brooke," he said, "what are you doing here?" thomas looked at brooke when rachel comes to the railing, "i um- i need to talk to rachel about what happened at the river,"

brooke nods her head about to open the door when she stops, "you know, don't you about haley?" thomas nods his head, "yea,"

"and how do you feel?"

thomas sighed, "i wish she would have told me a few weeks ago instead of just keeping it to herself," he stopped, "and you, i know you wouldn't have told me,"

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