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Chapter Three: "Are You True?"
Season 1, Episode 3

Chapter Three: "Are You True?" Season 1, Episode 3

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"time out!"

the ravens all run towards coach durham who called a time out, thomas stood beside nathan and lucas, "we're running black for nathan,"

coach durham looked at nathan, "if they double you, fight through them and take your shot when we have five seconds left," nathan nods his head when the buzzer goes off, "let's go,"

tim looked around them, "ravens on three," thomas bit his lip, "one, two, three, ravens!" thomas clapped his hands coming back onto the basketball court.

jake throws the basketball towards tim who caught it looking around himself when he starts to dribble the basketball coming towards nathan, who got double teamed.

nathan's basketball hits the rim of the hoop when jake gets the basketball before throwing it directly towards thomas who caught the ball in his hands looking nathan as nathan is double teamed.

thomas blew out a breath before jumping up and throwing the basketball into the hoop at the three pointer line, the buzzer goes off when the basketball swooshes through the basketball hoop.


the audience cheers as the raven basketball team all make their way over towards thomas who now just smiles as lucas and jake runs towards him jumping into thomas's arms.

thomas looked at nathan as he makes his way past everyone coming towards nathan, "good game," nathan nods his head as he just slapped his hand against thomas's hand.

thomas now stood in the field house with his duffel bag on his shoulder as he comes towards his parents, "nice game, thomas," thomas smiled at them as lucas also got congratulated on the game.

thomas half smiles, "uh, thanks," he slaps his dad's hand before bro hugging him when matt pulled away from his son, "that was one hell of a throw,"

thomas smiled brightly at his dad, "thanks dad," matt smiled back at his son when emma hugged her son in her arms, "you were great," emma put a hand onto her son's arm, "thanks guys,"

he looked at his parents then towards both elijah and emily, "how did i do?" elijah and emily both smiled, "you did amazing, big brother,"

thomas smiled messing up his brother's hair before giving emily a side hug, "i'll see you guys later," the four of them nod their heads, "not too late,"

thomas nods his head as he comes towards lucas who stood with his uncle keith and his mom karen, "hey karen, keith,"

thomas bro hugged keith before giving karen a side hug, "that was a great game thomas," he smiled at them when lucas looked at him, "we'll see you guys later,"


thomas left lucas at his car once he saw a girl in lucas's back seat, he just shakes his head coming towards his car.

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