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Chapter Thirty-Nine: "Something I Can Never Have"
Season 2, Episode 17

Chapter Thirty-Nine: "Something I Can Never Have" Season 2, Episode 17

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thomas drove in the rain with his hand on the steering wheel, running his other hand through his hair, letting out a breath.

when a flashback of haley in the shower comes into his mind, "haley, come on," he said coming into the bathroom where his fiancé was showering, "we're gonna be late for our own wedding reception,"

"okay, just give me two more minutes," thomas looked at himself in the mirror, "babe, this shower massager has three speeds," thomas playfully rolled his eyes, "yeah, and you have one: slow,"

"oh quit complaining, besides, people expect the bride to look beautiful,"

thomas still looked at himself in the mirror, "yeah? and what about me?" he asked turning to the shower where he sees his fiancé reflection through the shower.

haley slides the door to their shower open, "oh, don't be silly," she said to thomas, "no one would ever expect that of you," thomas chuckled, "oh okay,"

he slides off his shirt from his body coming out of his pajames pants, "that does it," he slides off his underwear coming into the shower behind haley, who gasped at the cold sensation.

"if we're gonna be late, then we're gonna have fun doing it," thomas said to haley, "now give me that shower massager," haley comes into his arms as thomas chuckled with his hands coming onto haley's waist.

his mind slips out of his flashback as he taped his hand against the steering wheel, running his hand through his hair again.

more flashbacks kept replaying in his mind of him and haley as he drove past the altana sign clearing his throat, getting himself comfortable in his seat as he continued to drive to where his wife was.


thomas gets his phone from his pocket flipping it up pressing it against his ear letting out a breath as he pressed onto his and haley's home number listening to it back.

"hi, you've reached the smiths.. my wife and i are...-" haley's voice lets him off, "your wife? what, do you, like, own me now?" thomas looked at haley, "yeah, i do, so stop cutting me off,"

another flashback comes into his mind at the voicemail.

he and haley sat on their king size bed in their bedroom, "hi, this is thomas and haley smith, please leave a message, or not," thomas looked at haley, "that's the worst thing i've ever heard,"

haley then stopped recording turning to him, "shut up, it rhymed, i liked it.." thomas shakes his head at his wife, pressing a button, "message has been erased,"

"fine, let's just, do one together, okay?"

thomas nods his head after he kissed haley's cheek, "wait a minute, isn't that something only really cheesy couples do?" haley put her arm onto thomas's back, "yeah, well, we are a really cheesy couple, mister,"

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