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Chapter Fifty-Two: "Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends"
Season 3, Episode 7

Chapter Fifty-Two: "Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends" Season 3, Episode 7

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thomas comes towards where the cheerleaders sat with the basketball beside him, "hi, backstabbing, supposed-to-be best friend and all," brooke said to peyton who was sat down next to rachel, "hi, forgot-to-say-good-morning, sneery, grouch-a-lot,"

rachel stands up as thomas stuffed his hands into his pocket seeing his siblings make their way over towards them, elijah bro hugging some of the basketball players whilst emily looked away from rachel who smirked, "i am out of here, over-possessive best-friends with weird lesbian engery," rachel said looking at brooke and peyton then looking to haley, "and haley,"

"play us or trade us,"

tim said looking at the cheerleaders, "what are you babbling about?" tim smiles, "the boy draft, we know all you girls got together and drafted us to be your little love dolls,"

thomas rolled his eyes at what his cosuin was saying from beside nathan who just smiled seeing his wife next to haley, "so, we just want to know the results,"

brooke looked at tim, "it was a fantasy draft, dim," brooke looked at tim again, "you know, like the fantasies you have about nathan, not real,"

"what'd you have in mind?"

rachel said stopping brooke, "dates, tonight, girls pay," brooke chuckled, "look—" rachel interrupts brooke again, "okay, sounds good,"

tim smiles, "sweet,"

bevin looked around them, "okay, i'm gonna go get skills," thomas smiled at one of his best friend's being mentioned.

"okay, so who picked me? oh come on, who wants some tim?" tim then looked at brooke as the basketball players started to walk away when thomas sees his brother getting stopped by one of the cheerleaders, "is it you, brooke?"

brooke looked at tim, "you didn't even get drafted, you little tim," she said angrily, thomas watched his brother make the cheerleader laugh at something he said.

"who is that anyways?"

thomas asked nathan not knowing who the girls is, "she's in my biology class, she's in the same year as eli, and she transferred from london, her name's kendall ardolf,"

thomas nods his head smiling seeing his brother walk alongside kendall, coming past them.

haley comes towards thomas, "hey, are you okay with this?" thomas held his bagpack strap in hand as nathan walked away to his wife who was waiting for him, "yeah, sure, why not? i mean, it's a group thing, right?"

haley nods her head, "yeah, yeah, sure, okay," she said sounding unsure but thomas just left it, "um, you wanna come by at like, 8:00?"

"okay," he said nodding his head at his wife, "okay," haley smiled when thomas sees emily talking to one of his teammates, who leaned against the locker next to his younger sister's locker, talking about their date.

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