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Chapter Sixty-Two: "Who Will Survive, and What Will Be Left of Them"
Season 3, Episode 17

Chapter Sixty-Two: "Who Will Survive, and What Will Be Left of Them" Season 3, Episode 17

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thomas stood next to lucas with tears streaming down his face, "oh, that i had the wings of a dove! i would fly away and be at rest, my companion attacks his friends, he violates his covenant,"

emma and matthew looked at their two sons who had tears coming down their face, "his speech is smooth, yet war is in his heart, but you, o god," thomas feels his wife's hand in his hand, "will bring down the wicked into the pit of corruption,"

haley rubbed her thumb over thomas's hand, "bloodthirsty and deceitful men will not live out half their days, as for me, i trust in you," thomas frowned, "and now we ask for the strength to navigate the stages of our grief as we lay our brothers, keith and finn, to rest,"

lucas was the first one to move when thomas leaned over taking karen's hand in his seeing her close her eyes, with a tear coming down her face.

thomas went after dan, getting the mud into his hands feeling tears come to his eyes again, putting the mud gently onto keith's and finn's casket, moving back to where he stood with addison now doing her part.


"i guess everybody's just gonna change and go back to karen's, okay?" haley said as she walked to the mirror on thomas's desk, "people are definitely gonna change,"

haley let's out a breath, "will you unzip me?" thomas gets off of his bed coming towards his wife who moved her hair out of the way, "oh, haley, i love you,"

he kissed the side of haley's head wrapping his arms around her shoulders, "i love you too," haley held her husband's arm, "it's all so uncertain," thomas let's out a breath, "god, i love you,"

"i don't ever want to come that close to losing you again," haley nods her head, "yeah me too," thomas looked at her through his mirror, "i just need you to be safe, okay?"

haley nods her head, "i told you, i'm not going anywhere," he rested his face aganist haley's head, haley let's out a breath when thomas leans down pressing a kiss onto his wife's shoulder.

he moves haley's hair out of the way kissing his wife's neck hearing haley let out a breath, when she turns around wrapping her arm around her husband's neck kissing thomas's lips moving them back to his bed, with haley taking off her husband's shirt off his body.

thomas turned haley around unzipping his wife's dress, kissing his wife's neck moving her hair from her neck when haley turns around agai , her hands coming to her husband's waist where thomas slightly groans at the touch on his stitches, "sorry, i'm sorry,"

thomas nods his head leaning down kissing his wife's lips again, his hands coming to haley's waist bringing her even more closer to his body feeling his lower half start of wake up.

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