one hundred and two

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Chapter One Hundred and Two: "What Do You Go Home To?"
Season 5, Episode 14

Chapter One Hundred and Two: "What Do You Go Home To?" Season 5, Episode 14

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thomas turned onto his side slowly opening his eyes looking into his wife's brown eyes smiling, 'aurora and jaden' he thought looking at his sexy wife, 'god, my girl is hot'.


thomas smiled at his wife, "morning," the two of them come closer to each other when a pair of feet come into their faces where the married couple chuckled hearing their twin's laughs.

thomas grabbed onto one of the feet as haley did the same, "i'm hungry this morning," he said looking at his wife who nods her head, "i'm starving," thomas looked to the edge of their bed seeing jaden and aurora now sitting up when the married couple started to pretend to eat their kid's feet, "it tickles,"


thomas comes downstairs smiling when he sees his wife next to their twins, "hmm, it smells good in here," he comes closer towards his wife, "yeah, i made some french toast,"

thomas smiles messing up jaden's and aurora's hair, "nice," he stands behind his wife's chair, "it's totally good, daddy," aurora nods her head, "it's totally good,"

thomas leaned down, with his head coming to his wife's neck, "well, that's not what i meant, but that smells good, too," haley turned her head smiling kissing her husband's lips, "hmm,"

"good morning,"

haley said as her husband smiled sitting in his chair next to her, "what's your day like?" thomas asked his wife when jaden and aurora answered, "mostly just playing,"

thomas and haley both chuckled at their twins, when haley smiles, "my day's not bad, either, i'm just gonna finish grading these papers and then go over to see peyton and nicole for a little bit, and then you and i have to interview the n-a-n-n-i-e-s,"

thomas nods his head at his wife as aurora and jaden both sighed, "we hate it when you spell," haley didn't look at them, "don't say hate,"

aurora nods her head, "sorry, we just think it's d-u-m," the twins said smiling spelling it out, "wow," thomas looked at them, "add a b to the end of that or you both will be,"

thomas looked at them, "rora, jambo, what do you think about going to practice with me today?" the twins smiled, "can we?" they looked to their parents, "i don't know, it's a big step, what do you think, mom?"

haley turned to her twins who nod their heads, "please be careful," jaden smiled, "sweet, i'll go and get my jersey," jaden started to move off of his chair when thomas looked to his sister, "rora, are you gonna get your pom poms?"

aurora smiled at the mention of her blue small pom poms, getting off of her chair, "you," haley moved her shoulders who smiled, stopping when her and jaden come back to their parents, "thanks, mama, we l-o-v-e you,"

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