one hundred and nine

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Chapter One Hundred and Nine: "Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly."
Season 6, Episode 3

" Season 6, Episode 3

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thomas was on the rivercourt with his eyebrows furrowed as him and nathan waited for charlie and quentin's appearance, "you call chaz and i'll call quentin,"

thomas comes towards his duffel bag what was on the rivercourt bench taking out his phone not seeing his wife and his twin sister's car coming to them, "q, where the hell are you, man? just tell me i didn't drag myself out of bed for nothing, call me back,"

the two married men furrowed their eyebrows seeing their wives, who comes towards them with sad looks on their faces, "hey, what are you two doing here?"

haley looked at her husband, "hales, what happened? what's wrong?" she stands in front of her husband as addison did the same, "quentin and charlie are dead,"

the ball from thomas's hand fell as he felt his emotions starting to wash over his body, feeling tears starting to form in his eyes, "wh-what, n-no, they're not dead, you're lying,"

haley's hand comes to her husband's cheek, he lets out a shaky breath with tears coming down his tanned face, "they were found dead at a gas station this morning," a sob comes from his mouth.

death wasn't a easy thing for thomas after two of his closest family member to him had died, haley brings her husband closer letting thomas cry into her hair, he hated being vulnerable but quentin and charlie dying was a vulnerable thing he couldn't keep to himself.


matthew sets a plate of strawberries in front of them with emma embracing her son who now showed no emotion in his face, "what am i gonna tell my students?"

thomas blinked, "what am i gonna tell jaden and aurora? they love quentin and charlie," haley leans off of the chair, "he's making quentin a cape and rory making charlie a crown,"

he looked at his wife, "i'll do it," haley shook her head, "no," she turns to her husband with teary eyes, "we should do it together," thomas nods his head.

he then looked to his parents, "you go should go see how elijah and emily are doing, they were close to him," matthew looked at his som, "you sure, because—"

thomas nods his head, "we'll be okay," emma kissed her son's head as matthew did the same rubbing his son's back, "call us if you need anything," thomas nods his head at his parents who make their way to his front door leaving.


"hey," anthony, a close friend to charlie and quentin half smiled, "coach luke is back, what's happening, coach?" lucas nods his head at anthony, "hey, guys—"

lucas put his hands to his hips, "uh," the ravens basketball team looked at their head coach, "..we have to tell you something," the ravens all furrowed their eyebrows.

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