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Chapter Fifty-Three: "The Worst Day Since Yesterday"
Season 3, Episode 8

Chapter Fifty-Three: "The Worst Day Since Yesterday" Season 3, Episode 8

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thomas came into the studio where chris was, opening the door seeing chris stand up, "what, you're here to kick my ass cause i slept with brooke?"

thomas tilts his head, "you slept with brooke?" chris looked at thomas, "why else would you be here?" thomas looked at chris, "i came here to pay for haley's studio time,"

he comes closer to chris, "you slept with brooke?" he asked chris, "i like to think of it as sleeping without the sleep," thomas scoffed, "but yeah, until lucas interrupts walking in,"

he shakes his head, "you gonna keep doing this evil crap your entire life?" chris then takes his hands out of his pockets, "what's so evil about it?" he asked with his hands out, "two kids having fun, it's cool,"

"no," thomas looked at chris who was in front of him, "it's not cool, if other people's feelings are involved," chris puts his hands back into his pockets, "no, it's still pretty cool,"

"like when you were messing with haley kinda cool?" thomas said stepping closer to chris, "no, come on, see, that's different, brooke's not haley, plus, you don't even like lucas, do you?"

thomas looked at chris, "it's not about lucas, it's about you, you went out of your way to take advantage of a girl who obviously has feelings for somebody else, yet again,"

chris looked back at thomas, "i didn't go that far out of my way," he lets out a breath, "besides, how do you think i feel?"

thomas looks to the recording studio, "i broke my cardinal rule about sleeping with cheerleaders," thomas rolled his eyes, "i don't, unless there's at least three of them,"

thomas looked to chris's hand then to the boy's face clenching his jaw, "i'm kidding," thomas looked to where chris's hand touched him, "and don't worry about brooke, she's not even my type, i like singers,"

thomas moved forwards raising his fist up to punch chris when chris moves back falling over his chair leg, "i like to think of that as hitting you, without the hitting part,"

thomas shakes his head walking out of the recording studio, after closing the door right behind him, with his money still in his pocket.


thomas comes into his house seeing his parents talking in the kitchen, when thomas moved past them closing the door behind him, walking upstairs into his bedroom with his father following behind him.


matthew stood at his son's doorframe, "just wanted to see how the star player was doing the day before his first game, like a rock, attaboy,"

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