sixty eight

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Chapter Sixty-Eight: "The Same Deep Water as You"
Season 4, Episode 1

Chapter Sixty-Eight: "The Same Deep Water as You" Season 4, Episode 1

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thomas chuckled as he drove him and haley to the airport, "what?" haley asked her husband, "i can't believe that rachel got drunk and stole our wedding limo,"

"i can't believe your uncle liam slept with rachel," thomas ran his hand through his hair, "she's seventeen and what is he, like thirty?"

thomas didn't look back to his wife, "he must not have know, i mean, he couldn't have known, right?" he asked turning to his wife, "look out!" haley said, her hands coming to the dashboard, seeing the limousine swerving.

thomas got out of his car along with his wife, "that was emily and liam, liam! emily!" haley and thomas come to the end of the bridge, "liam!"

thomas backs up, letting out a breath, "haley, call 911," haley looked at her husband, "thomas, don't," thomas stopped looking at his wife, "i love you,"

"don't.." haley breathes out, "thomas!" thomas runs towards the broken bridge, jumping into the water, going underneath the water holding his breath.

he swims down seeing the limousine looking inside seeing his little sister along with his uncle and rachel in the car, he couldn't lose any more family members, he went through the opened back window coming towards his sister who was knocked out from the pressure.


thomas screamed into the air, he lets out a breath before holding his breath in taking his sister out of the water.

"help, please!"

haley then sees lucas and karen coming towards them, stopping them car, "oh, luke!" she opens the door, "what happened?" lucas asked getting out of his mother's car along with karen, "the limousine with liam, emily and rachel went over the bridge, and then thomas jumped over, and he hadn't come up for a really long time,"

nathan and ryan both park their cars getting out seeing their friends standing out, "what happened? where's thomas?" nathan asked looking for his best friend, "the limousine went in the water and thomas is down there,"

a male body then comes up with it's head facing downwards, "thomas!" haley cried out, ryan jumping down not caring coming towards the body, "oh, god,"

"help him, luke, ryan!"

lucas and ryan both swam over to the body seeing that it was liam, they put him onto the side of the water on land, "thomas!"

"it's liam!"

lucas goes back into the water with ryan doing cpr on cooper who had a very weak pulse, "he's got a weak pulse!" karen comes down when ryan goes underneath, swimming towards the limousine seeing his best friend helping emily out of the car.

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