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Chapter Twenty-Seven: "I Will Dare"
Season 2, Episode 5

Chapter Twenty-Seven: "I Will Dare" Season 2, Episode 5

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thomas held haley's hand in his making his way towards their lockers, passing lucas, nathan and addison on the way.

"i'm telling you it's one of the best nights i've ever had, it was crazy," thomas looked at nathan and lucas, "what's up, guys?" lucas, nathan and addison take out a envelope where their names are there.

he furrowed his eyebrows opening his locker up seeing a brown envelope with his name on it, "brooke?" the five of them turn to brooke, ryan, lily and peyton who had the brown envelopes in their hands as well.

thomas turns his head towards emily who stood with her best friend elena holding brown envelopes in their hands. thomas looked at addison who looked at her younger sister with her eyebrows furrowed.

"oh hell no,"

felix walked past them with smiles on his face looking at the brown envelopes in all of their hands. thomas closed his locker getting his textbook out wrapping his arm around haley's shoulder.


"it's dare night,"

thomas looked at felix who was talking with the brown envelope in front of them as they all sat in karen's cafe, "one night, two teams, multiple dares,"

thomas looked at haley who was sat opposite felix, "each envelope contains a two part dare," felix looked around them, "part one is on the front, and part two is on the back,"

"each dare is worth a certain number of points," felix took his cellphone out from his pocket, "this cellphone has picture and video,"


thomas rolled his eyes moving his cousin back into his seat, "you do the dare, you send proof of it to the other team,"

thomas looked at his friends who surrounded around the table, "at midnight, time's up, we meet back here and declare a winner,"

"and what do we win?"

felix looked at mouth, "you, mouth, win an excuse to be out until midnight," mouth chuckled, "the rest of you get a night to remember," felix smiled at peyton who was pushed away from felix by ryan who glared at the brunette headed boy.

"and you get to humiliate us,"

lucas looked at felix, "why would we do that?" skills, fergie, and everyone one else looked at felix, "look guys, there's nothing in these envelopes that's harmful to you or anyone else,"

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