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Chapter Five: "You Have to Be Joking (Autopsy of the Devil's Brain)"
Season 6, Episode 12

Chapter Five: "You Have to Be Joking (Autopsy of the Devil's Brain)" Season 6, Episode 12

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"seventy six,"

thomas looked back to his twins who held a measuring tape against their father's head, "you guys sure?" the twins nod their heads, "yep, seventy six inches, daddy,"

the smith male sighed, "six four," thomas turns back to his twins, "we can measure it again," thomas shook his head at his twins, "no," he picked them both up, "it's okay, i've been 6'2 since i was seventeen, at least i've grown two inches more,"

"is that bad?"

thomas set his kids onto the floor before running a hand through his hair, "well, if i was 6'5, i might be in the pros by now," jaden looked up at his dad, "what if you were eight foot five?"

thomas chuckled, "i'd probably be dead of heart failure," haley chuckled at what her husband said, "well, i think 6'2 is perfect, heck, i'd settle for 4'2,"

thomas picked up his twins, chuckling, "well, you guys can thank your short-pants mom for that," haley took the lollipop from her mouth, "hey!" she looked at her husband who smiled playfully, "they've got some good stuff from me,"

haley stated to her husband, "like singing and piano they are gonna rock at the talent show tonight, huh? huh?" haley held up her hands for her twins to slap their small hands against her hand, "yeah,"

thomas helped his kids out on their jacket, "are you gonna be there, daddy?" thomas looked at his wife then to his kids, "i wouldn't miss it,"

aurora turned to face her dad, "i wish we could come with you today," thomas puts on his jacket, "i know, i'll tell you what, i'll tell you all about it, okay?"

the twins jumped down from the bench, running around the rivercourt, "and this idea you have," haley looked up at her husband, "that's what you want to do?"

thomas zipped up his jacket, "it's what i have to do," he wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulder with haley leaning her body into her husband's frame whilst they walked.


aurora stands on her father's shoulders with jaden down below looking at pair of shorts his father should wear, "so, what happens at this? what do you call it?"

aurora looks at the shelves looking for her daddy's basketball shoes, "it's called a combine, coaches and scouts from the pro teams come watch you play," jaden perked up at that, "and they pick you for the nba?"

thomas held his daughter's legs, "well, they pick you for the leagues right before the nba, you find them yet?" aurora shakes her head, "no,"

"hey," she looks down at her daddy, "we think you should wear the number—" jaden then says the number, "34 next," thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "why?"

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