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Chapter Ninety-Nine: "You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side"
Season 5, Episode 11

Chapter Ninety-Nine: "You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side" Season 5, Episode 11

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lindsey wrapped a blanket around her fiancé's best friend seeing thomas sleeping on their living room coming towards her fiancé who's writing on his computer.

she slides her hand onto her fiancé's shoulders leaning in kissing lucas's cheek, "mm, morning," he smiles, "poor thomas," lucas sighed, "yeah, i know, if i'd have known he'd been here a week, then i'd have cleared out my mom's room,"

lindsey continued to rub her fiancé's shoulders, "have they even seen each other this week?" lucas groaned, "oh, no, i don't think they've spoken,"

lucas said, "right, the last thing i want haley worrying about is..throwing a bachelorette party when her marriage is struggling," lucas turned his head, "you know, skills could do it, i mean, he was so excited about my bachelor party, he took the week off,"

"oh, that worries me,"

lucas wrapped an arm around lindsey's waist, "oh, yeah, me too," she chuckled, "you know, if a guy like me just happened to have his party in the same place in the same place a girl like you happened to have her party.." lucas raised an eyebrow, "thomas and haley would have to talk,"

lucas hummed, "nice, but they'll never go for it," she rubbed his back, "well, they will if they—" he smiled, "don't know about it," lindsey chuckled, "oh, you're bad,"

"you wanna be bad with me?"

she smiled, "you know i do," lucas leaned into his fiancé smiling as his best friend slept on his living room couch.


"hey sleepy, what's up?"

aurora and jaden sat on the kitchen stools near to where their mother is making them breakfast, "we saw uncle austin," haley furrowed her eyebrows at them, "when?"

jaden frowned, "last night, in our dream," haley let's out a breath looking at them, "i'm sorry, baby, we will do a double check before you both go to bed tonight, okay?"

she puts the last bit of their breakfast on top of their pancake, "look," she puts the plate in front of her twin's face, "i made it with a smiley face, that's how you like it, right?"

aurora and jaden frowned looking at their smiley pancake, "when's daddy coming home?" they looked at their mother after asking the question, "i'm sorry, sweetie," haley leaned against her hand, "we talked about this,"

she sighed, "probably not for a while," jaden and aurora looked away from their mother down to their smiley pancake when the twins both picked up theit bacon flipping it so it'd be a sad face.


haley, lindsey and nicole sat around haley's dining room table doing the gifts for lindsey's and lucas's wedding reception, "and so, what were you thinking about doing for your party?"

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