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Chapter Fifty-Seven: "I've Got Dreams to Remember"
Season 3, Episode 12

Chapter Fifty-Seven: "I've Got Dreams to Remember" Season 3, Episode 12

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thomas was talking to the guidance counsellor about what colleges would look good for him, when she brings up haley, "and is your wife gonna factor into the college you pick?"

he narrowed his eyes to the guidance counsellor, "that's not really any of your business, is it?" he ran a hand through his hair, "and anyways, colleges come to me, i don't go to them maybe expect for stanford,"

"and do you want to stay close to home?" thomas makes a face, "i mean not really, like my dad is never home, and it would be a good idea to get out of tree hill away from dan scott and my older brother," the guidance counsellor nods her head.

"what do you mean away from dan scott and your brother?"

thomas sighed, "they always seem to interfere with my and my friend's life when it has nothing to do with them," he said honestly, "okay, what makes you happy?"

thomas looked at the counsellor, "i don't know, basketball and music, i guess," he said to her, "i know that haley is looking at stanford, and if i wanna be with her then i know i'm gonna need to go to stanford with her but duke is my dream school,"

"is long distance hard for the both of you?"

thomas nods his head, "when she went on tour, it was so hard without her beside me, and now that she's back, long distance just doesn't work for us..."


thomas was sat on the courtyard looking through his textbook running his hand through his hair, when haley comes towards him dropping a letter from duke onto the table, "hey, this came to the apartment for you,"

thomas looked at his wife, "thanks," haley looked at her husband, "two thousand, seven hundred and ninety eight miles," thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "that's how far apart our dream schools are,"


haley sat down, "thomas, i know i said some things the other night..." he cuts off haley, "i said some things, too," thomas said finally meeting his wife's eyes, "i'm sorry,"

haley half smiled, "me too," thomas let's a smile come onto his face, leaning over getting haley's hand into his hand, "i guess we can add this to the list of things we should have talked about,"

haley makes a face, "we can talk about it now," he half smiled rubbing his thumb over his wife's hand.


thomas walked with his twin sister, "stanford is, like, my dream school," addison said looking at her brother, "it's where i wanted to go since lisa, (their aunt) went there,"

thomas rolled his eyes, "man, i forget how much of a need you actually are, which is weird because you're a cheerleader," addison hits her brother's arm, "oh whatever, cheerleaders can be nerds too,"

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