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Chapter Thirty-Two:"Don't Take Me for Granted"
Season 2, Episode 10

Chapter Thirty-Two:"Don't Take Me for Granted" Season 2, Episode 10

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thomas sits up rubbing his forehead looking at lucas who was already dressed, his phone ringing as lucas picks it up, "haley!" he said, thomas sitting up running his fingers through his hair.

they were on the phone for a few minutes when lucas ends the phone call turning to his best friend, "thanks for covering for me, man," he said looking at his best friend.

lucas looked down at his best friend, "you're welcome, but it sucked, i don't lie to haley," thomas looked at his best friend, "well you just did," thomas said after yawning.

lucas sits on his bed looking at thomas, "why don't you go home? work it out," lucas looked at him, "it didn't sound like haley was going to school anyways,"

thomas rubbed at his eyes, "why would they have the formal on a sunday?" he questioned, "i don't know, to keep students from partying, getting wasted... arguing with their wives,"

thomas rolled his eyes, "yeah, well it didn't work," he said shaking his head, "how did it go with anna anyway?" he asked lucas, "well, let's just say we didn't exactly end the night together,"

thomas furrowed his eyebrows at his best friend, "who did you end up with?" thomas asked, furrowing his eyebrows, someone knocks at lucas's bedroom door before entering.

the two boys turn seeing brooke davis standing outside of lucas's bedroom, "only in tree hill," brooke shakes her head, "eww," thomas puts his head down onto the pillow, "you two realise that you're basically family now?"

thomas looks at brooke, "hi brooke," brooke looks down at thomas, "double eww, if tutor wife is here," thomas shakes his head, "she's not," lucas said to brooke, "what's up?"

"um.. my car is now out of commission," brooke said looking at the two boys, "thanks to my jealous spiteful stain of a neighbor," thomas nods his head, "and i was sorta thinking might want to walk to school together?"

she asked lucas, the said hot looking down at his best friend who just nods his head, "unless of course, you're waiting for your boy toy here," thomas sighs, "go ahead, i'll catch up with you guys later,"

"all right," lucas looked at his best friend, "go home, tom, work it out," thomas nods his head at lucas, brooke waves her hand to thomas who makes a straight face waving his hand back to the girl.


thomas stands outside of his apartment, letting out a bedroom as he looks at his apartment front door, sighing opening the door with his key.

closing the door behind him seeing haley come out of their bedroom making her way towards him, "hi," thomas stuffed his hands into his pockets, "i'm sorry,"

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