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Chapter Twenty-Nine: "Let the Reigns Go Looses"
Season 2, Episode 7

Chapter Twenty-Nine: "Let the Reigns Go Looses" Season 2, Episode 7

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thomas walks beside haley in the school hallway holding onto his bag strap walking towards lucas seeing anna leaving him, "hi,"

thomas smiled at his best friend, "ready for your big debut, rockstars?" haley let's out a breath when addison and nathan come towards them, "please don't remind me,"

"please don't remind me about what?"

addison looked at lucas, "about your guy's big debut," addison shakes her head, "oh yeah don't remind me," she puts her hand to her forehead, "they're ready,"

thomas looked down at haley, "didn't you once tell me there's such a thing as over-preparation?" haley nods her head, "yeah, for a math midterm, this is like avoiding public humiliation,"

lucas looked at his best friend, "hales, you're gonna do great and anyways, you'll have thomas singing next to you," thomas nods his head, "yeah.."


thomas comes towards the courtyard holding onto the red tray walking beside lucas, ryan and nathan coming towards their table putting their backpacks onto the floor.

thomas looks up seeing anna look around the courtyard before sitting herself down onto the bench, he moved his eyes away from her eating his salad laughing at the joke lucas told them.

"at least the guys are cute,"

anna and peyton looked over at the four boys who were laughing and eating their food on their trays, "okay," peyton sits beside anna.

thomas opens the small water bottle on his tray taking a sip from it closing it back up now eating the chips in the box.


thomas walks into whitey's hospital room after nathan seeing whitey laying on the hospital bed with a book in his hands, "well that's an odd sight,"

whitey closed his book staring at both nathan and thomas, "what, you thought i'd be blind?" thomas and nathan shake their heads, "no.. we've just didn't think you could read,"

thomas slaps his hand against nathan's hand letting out a chuckle, "five hundred things a person should see before they die," he placed the book onto the table next to him taking off his glasses, "i've seen twelve of them,"

"you gonna do something about that?"

whitey nods his head, "that's the plan, at least until practice starts," he touched his book, "i always wanted to dive with the manga rays of tobago,"

they both chuckled, "so, coach, we uh turned down high flyers," whitey frowned looking at them, "is there a reason you turned them down, or should i even ask?"

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