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Chapter Twenty: "What Is and What Should Never Be"
Season 1, Episode 20

Chapter Twenty: "What Is and What Should Never Be" Season 1, Episode 20

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thomas turned over in his bed turning to see haley at his desk brushing her hair, "i had the weirdest dream," thomas half smiled sitting up on his bed, "that there was this rapping at my window at 4 o'clock in the morning followed by my boyfriend, who has his own apartment by the way,"

thomas looked at haley, "asking if he can crash in my room," haley furrowed her eyebrows, "wait a second," she turned to thomas who sighed, "i had to get out of there,"

haley chuckled, "did i mentioned this is a recurring dream? this is, what? like the fourth time in three weeks?" thomas chuckled, "not that i'm complaining but it does defeat the purpose of having your own place,"

thomas looked at his girlfriend, "tim keeps bringing over these hot chicks," haley scoffed, "which is a problem because none of them were you," haley looked at her lipstick, "uh-huh,"

haley turns to thomas, "that place is like a party central, and it's not even my own party," thomas slides on his trousers, "maybe it should be, oh we should throw our own party, like a take-back-the-party party,"

thomas shrugged his shoulders, "alright, let's do it, how about this Saturday?" haley smiled, "sounds good, i'm free," thomas smiled, "some, you've got to plan it though,"

thomas looked at her, "and make sure it's kind of low-key, just a few friends, you know," haley nods her head, "okay, so much fun!"

she claps her hands together looking down at thomas, "now crawl back out the window before my parents wake up and they hear you," thomas looked at haley, "hear what? this.."

haley giggles as thomas held onto haley's waist pulling her down onto her bed, "oh shoot!" thomas chuckled, "just don't tickle me!" thomas looked at haley tickling his girlfriend's side.


thomas and lucas both come out from the back seeing keith stand opposite karen in her cafe, "hey keith,"

keith turns towards the two boys standing beside each other as thomas held his duffel bag on his shoulder, "hey, luke, tom," both thomas and lucas smiled, "tell me you're both going to practice,"

keith slapped his hand against thomas's hand, "yep, therapist says we're ready to go," keith smiled at the two of them, "now that's what i'm talking about,"

thomas waved his hand to both of the adults, "bye uncle keith, karen.." karen and keith both smiled towards thomas who walked beside his best friend holding his basketball duffel bag on his shoulder.


"knock it down, thomas, lucas,"

thomas throws the basketball aiming for the basketball hoop when it circles coming out of the circle, thomas frowned, "just keep shooting, man," lucas and thomas look at nathan, "it will come,"

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