one hundred and three

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Chapter One Hundred and Three: "Life is Short"
Season 5, Episode 15

Chapter One Hundred and Three: "Life is Short" Season 5, Episode 15

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thomas lifted his daughter in his arms smiling as he moves his arms up and down seeing his daughter's small smile at the age of 1 with aurora in her long sleeve vest.

where haley had her son in her arms doing the same thing her husband was doing making their newly turned one year olds smile and hearing them both chuckle.

thomas frowned a bit knowing that his high school friends wouldn't see his twins for their birthday due to all of them living in different places around the whole, but as long as he had his family, he was perfectly fine with that.

"happy first birthday!"

thomas and haley said to their twins where they had a small cake in front of them where aurora moves her small hand forward getting a side piece of cake into her hand tilting her head to her dad who stood behind her, hitting him in the face with the cake in her hand.

and that was a tradition ever since the twins were born with aurora doing the same thing as jaden did the same thing to his mother.


haley comes towards her kid's playroom where she sees her son and her daughter pretending to be asleep on their chairs, "somebody looks older today,"

aurora and jaden smiled opening their small eyes, "we do!" haley looked at them, "you two? why would that be?" jaden smiled at their mama, "it's our birthday, mama,"

"ah," haley smiles, "it is your birthdays!" she jumped onto the space near her kids's feet, "we're five," the twins showed their mom their hands, "you're five?" she lifts them both up, "do we get our kisses?"

haley playfully rolls her eyes, "oh, okay," she placed five kisses around her twins's face, "you know who else's birthday it is?" aurora and jaden smiled, "it's jamie's birthday too,"

"so, what do you want for your birthday?"

she questioned them, "we want two things," haley looked at her twins confused, "do you guys not want your own things?" jaden and aurora shook their heads, "no," haley chuckled, "okay, what is it?"

aurora looked at her mama, "we want a wii—" jaden then spoke, "and we really want uncle austin and grandpa dan to come to our party," haley frowned at her kids's request on inviting thomas's murdering brother and her best friend's murdering father.

emma and matthew then knocked onto their grandkid's playroom, "knock," emma poked her head into the room, "knock," with matthew following after with emily and elijah looking at their niece and nephew, "knock,"

the smith family smiled at thomas's kids and wife, "hey," haley smiled at them, "so, how is our favourite grandkids doing on their birthday?" jaden smiled, "we're your favourite grandkids?"

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