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Chapter Seven: "Life in a Glass House"
Season 1, Episode 7

Chapter Seven: "Life in a Glass House" Season 1, Episode 7

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lucas and thomas sat together, when brooke and peyton come towards them, "hey gorgeous, broody," thomas took out his earphones from his ears, "hey brooke, peyton,"

brooke smiled at the two of them, "so, i'll see you at practice?" peyton turns to brooke, "as always," brooke smiled, when thomas turned to lucas, "um.. i'll see you at practice man,"

lucas nods his head clapping his hand against his best friend's hand, "yeah," thomas stood up grabbing a hold of his notebook putting it into his bagpack, "wait, brooke!"

thomas comes after brooke, "are you going to this annual scott thing?" brooke nods her head, "maybe, are you?" thomas shrugged his shoulders, "my parents want me to go since nathan invited me,"

brooke nods her head, "but i need to see if lucas or haley is going to this thing," brooke stopped walking making thomas stop walking, "so what's the deal with you and haley?"

thomas opened and closed his mouth, "uh, you already know that she's tutoring me," brooke nods her head, "there's something else," thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "and that she's also my best friend along with lucas,"

brooke shook her head, "no, there's something else you're hiding," thomas tilts his head staring down at brooke, "i'm not hiding anything," brooke smirked at thomas, "i will find out whatever you're hiding one way or another,"

thomas looked down at his watch, "i have to the tutoring centre," brooke frowned, "but i'll see you around?" brooke nods her head up at thomas when she sees haley behind them.

brooke leans up onto her tippy toes pressing a kiss to thomas's tanned cheek, haley glared towards brooke making brooke smirk, thomas furrowed his eyebrows at brooke, "um.. yeah, i'll see you around,"

thomas walked away from brooke coming towards the tutor centre when haley comes in behind thomas.

"oh," thomas ran his finger through his hair frustrated, "this is so stupid hales, what-why do we have to study history anyway?"

haley leaned her head onto her hands, "so we're not doomed to repeat it," thomas furrowed his eyebrows letting out a laugh, "what?"

haley laughed with him, "you're such a dork hales," haley smiled at him, "look, just don't lose hope, okay?" haley looked at thomas, "tomorrow's a teacher work day so you've got a three day weekend to study,"

"actually nathan's dad throwing this annual kiss-his-ass jamboree," haley looked at thomas, "hey, you could be my plus one, but i don't wanna crowd you with the b-ball crowd,"

haley looked at him, "oh please, come on," she looked at her best friend, "like i want to go to that anyway," haley laughed, "yeah,"

haley passes thomas a piece of paper, "i made you a study guide," she takes out a box from her bag, "and, everything you need to ace your history right in this little box of tricks here-nodoz, eye drops, number two pencils,"

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