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Chapter Ninety-Six: "Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want"
Season 5, Episode 8

Chapter Ninety-Six: "Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want" Season 5, Episode 8

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haley moved, "are you awake?" thomas hummed, "no," haley half chuckled, turning to face her husband, "sorry, i got upset with you,"

thomas looked at his wife's beautiful face, "you were right to be upset," he sighed, "i finally started walking again, and i've got no business being in some guy's face,"

haley looked at her handsome husband, "lucas kissed peyton," thomas blinked before realising what his wife said, "what? when?"

he questioned leaning his head off of his pillow, "before we left tric, in peyton's office, i walked in and i saw the whole thing or enough of it," she sighed rubbing her hands over her face, "i don't understand how lucas can do this to lindsey, after everything that they've been through,"

haley frowned, "and peyton, who— who does she think she is?" she questioned, "she turned down lucas' proposal, she broke his heart," thomas nods his head remembering his best friend being heartbroken, "she has no right to take him from lindsey,"

he looked at her, "maybe it wasn't what it looked like, maybe it was just a friendly kiss or maybe it was a good-bye kiss," haley looked into her husband's blue eyes, "maybe it was just a mistake,"

haley shook her head, "no, i know what i saw," thomas frowned, "this was a full-on, romantic lucas/peyton kiss,"

she didn't look at her husband, "then you should forget what you saw," haley scoffed, "oh, really? forget it?" thomas nods his head at his wife, "how— no, what i need to do is tell lindsey,"

thomas looked at haley, "now, see, that's not your place," haley looked at her husband like he was crazy, "regardless of what it looked like, i mean, look, if lucas is cheating on lindsey then he needs to be man enough to tell her himself,"

haley nods her head at her husband, licking her lips as she stared at her husband's face.


haley entered clothed over bro's with jaden and aurora and her sister in law who holds jamie's hand, "hey," jaden smiled, "i'm really sorry we're late," brooke turned seeing her godson along with aurora and jamie, lily smiled at them, "hey, no tv for you and no ice cream until the afternoon,"

haley said to her twins who nod their heads at their mother, "keep it to one scoop, okay?" jaden held his basketball in hand with aurora having a princess tiara on her hand as jamie looked at jaden's basketball, "one, okay,"

haley looked to her friends, "you forget," brooke and lily shook their heads, "it's fine, okay," they turned to the twins and jamie who were standing on brooke's couch, "you look so handsome and pretty," she said to the twins and jamie who giggled.

haley then looked to her twins, "okay, um, daddy's gonna pick you guys up after practice, all right?" aurora nods her head, "bye," she kissed aurora's forehead doing the same thing to jaden's small forehead as addison spoke to her son about nathan picking him up after practice.

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