one hundred and six

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Chapter One Hundred and Six: "What Comes After the Blues"
Season 5, Episode 18

Chapter One Hundred and Six: "What Comes After the Blues" Season 5, Episode 18

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jaden and aurora stand in front of their uncle lucas's bed with thomas leaning against his best friend's bedroom door, "we think you drank too much," lucas groaned looking at his nephew and niece, "i think you're both right,"

"damn," thomas forwards his best friend, "i think somebody got thrown through a plate-glass window," he opens lucas's blinds letting the sun in, "dude,"

thomas cringed looking around his best friend's bedroom, "it seriously smells like ass in here," jaden looked at his uncle, "and rotten cheese," aurora poked her uncle's head, "and stinky socks,"

"go away,"

lucas breathes out with the twins covering their noses, "oh, and bad breath," lucas takes the pillow from on top of his head, showing off his new mohawk, "i said go away,"

the twins's eyes widened, "holy crap," thomas looked at his best friend, "what?" lucas asked them, "have your seen your head?" lucas looked at the three of them, "not lately, no.."

"you have a mohawk,"

jaden and aurora jump onto their uncle's bed touching lucas's head, "i do?" thomas chuckled, "awesome," jaden looked to his daddy, "can i get one, daddy?"

"oh, and me too!"

thomas looked at his twins, "sure, if you wanna look goofy like your uncle lucas, and princess, mama would kill me if you cut your hair to look like your uncle lucas," aurora touched his head, "it's kind of like he has a tail, just on his head,"

thomas looked at his best friend, "uh guys," the twins looked at their dad, "why don't you two go get luke a bottle of water, huh?" the twins nod their heads, "okay," they come off of lucas's bed running, "thought we were gonna see you at that school board hearing,"

lucas sits up, "yeah?" thomas frowned, "they suspended you, luke, ten games," lucas lets out a breath, "there's only eleven left," thomas shook his head, "not for you,"

the twins footsteps could be heard as they come running into their uncle lucas's bedroom jumping onto his bed handing him the cold water bottle, "here you go,"

jaden looked at his uncle's hair again, "all right, guys, let's get going," the twins nod their heads, "okay," climbing over their uncle and off of lucas's bed, as thomas opened his best friend's bedroom door, "bye, uncle lucas, cool hair,"

"wait for me right there, okay?"

the twins nod their head to their father who closed the door looking at his best friend, "look, luke, i know from experience, whatever answers you're looking for, you're not gonna find them like this, trust me,"

he sighed, "now it sucks that lindsey's dating, and it sucks that you grabbed that player, but don't make it worse," he frowned at lucas, "the darkness doesn't have any answers, luke,"

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