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Chapter Zero: "Prologue"

Chapter Zero: "Prologue"

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thomas-lee smith has lived in tree hill his whole life, along with his parents, his older brother austin, his twin sister, addy and his younger brother elijah and younger sister emily.

thomas-lee wasn't anyone special, at school no-one even noticed him expect for his twin sister who is on the cheer team with her best friend's peyton sawyer and brooke davis.

thomas didn't have many friends but the friends he could count on was mouth mcfadden, skills taylor, fergie thompson and junk mortei but his best friend are haley james and lucas scott.

haley james. thomas has a crush on haley ever since he met her when they were in kindergarten, and the thing is.. everyone knew he had a crush on her expect for haley.

lucas and elijah tried getting the two of best friends together but it never worked as thomas would always reject their proposal.

but one thing that thomas didn't know was that haley had a crush on him ever since thomas in the second grade protected haley away from the bullies who took away their toys from them.

"no lucas," thomas slapped his best friend's hand away from his face, "haley doesn't like me, and she never will like me back," lucas frowned at his best friend, "don't say that man,"

thomas frowned, "no lucas, because it's true," he ran his fingers over his shaven head, "haley only sees me as one of her best friends, nothing is ever gonna happen between us,"

lucas frowned watching thomas walk out of karen's cafe towards his car when haley comes out from the back, looking at lucas, "tom likes me?"

lucas's eyes widened as he looked at haley, "uh-huh, what did you say?" haley looked at lucas, "thomas-lee, our best friend," lucas nods his head, "does he like me?"

lucas opens his mouth when he just stands up from the stool walking towards the door of his mom's cafe exiting, "lucas!"

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