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Chapter Eighty-One: "Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers"
Season 4, Episode 14

Chapter Eighty-One: "Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers" Season 4, Episode 14

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thomas and haley come into their high school where thomas held the double door open for his wife who smiled at him taking his hand as she leads them into the school hallway, "i have to talk to brooke,"

thomas nods his head, "okay, um save me a seat at lunch?" haley smiles leaning up capturing her husband's lips in hers, "always, or do you wanna come to her with me and then we can walk to class together?"

"i like that idea better,"

haley and thomas come towards brooke who stood at her locker, "hey," brooke turned from where emily stood near her open locker to her friends, "i gotta ask you something—"

emily quirked an eyebrow intrigued on what haley was going to ask her girlfriend, "and i really don't want you to get pissed off, but i have to ask you," brooke looked at her friends, "okay,"

brooke nods her head, "it's about the stolen test," thomas looked to his little sister, "you were failing calculated and then you just got an a on the last test,"

emily furrowed her eyebrows at that, "just tell me it's a coincidence," brooke nods her head at her friend, "it was a coincidence,"

"seriously, brooke?"

thomas turned his head away from the conversation when he sees nicole and alice walking together, "um, i'm gonna go and talk to nicole and alive, but i'll see you in history?"

haley nods her head at her husband who kissed haley's forehead now walking away catching up to where nicole and alice were.


alice turns seeing thomas standing behind them, "oh hey thomas," alice looked at thomas, "um, those songs you sent me, is it okay if we could catch up and talk about them?" thomas nods his head, "uh, yeah, sure,"

brooke furrowed her eyebrows from where she watched thomas talk to nicole and alice, "is that weird or is it just me?" haley shook her head, "no, it's not weird at all, i know he's trying to better of knowing people, and him and Nicole used to be friends, and anyways, i know he would do anything to hurt me,"

emily nods her head at her sister in law, "and anyways, nicole is dating alice," brooke looked wide eye at her girlfriend, "what? everyone knows about them two," brooke shook her head, "i-i didn't know about them,"

haley pats her friend's arm, "okay, love you," haley walked away from brooke and emily with emily smiling at her sister in law.


principal turner drops a calculus pop quiz onto thomas's table as the said boy ran a hand through his brunette hair, "as some of you may know,"

thomas turns back to look at brooke who has a quality look on her face, "it has come to my attention that one of you cheated on the last exam," principal turned stated, "so, today, we're all gonna take a little pop quiz,"

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