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Chapter Seventy-One: "Can't Stop This Thing We've Started"
Season 4, Episode 4

Chapter Seventy-One: "Can't Stop This Thing We've Started" Season 4, Episode 4

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"hidey-hi, neighbors,"

haley comes towards peyton and lucas with addison, "hey!" lucas looked to addison, "so, how was the manson family reunion?" addison makes a face before rolling her eyes, "you know, it was kind of like the end of the lion king when all the hyenas gang up and eat scar,"

"ooh, how did nathan take it?"

addison looked at her friends, "he stiffed me on a ride to school," a motorcycle then stops when thomas and nathan parker their motorcycles near the curb, "what do you think?"

they asked as they took their helmets off of their head, "what? did you..." haley comes towards her husband, "did you buy a motorcycle?"

thomas and nathan shook their heads, "no, that's the beauty of it, we traded our cars for the bikes, and we made like two hundred bucks each," thomas stated to his wife, "now we can pay for some bills, and we'll save money on gas,"

"wow, jesus,"

thomas and nathan both smiled at their wives who were not impressed with the both of them, thomas puts his helmet back onto his head going to park his motorcycle in the motorcycle area.


thomas sat with rachel and brooke eating his lunch when a clean teens virgin come towards the three of them, dropping a shirt on their table, "what's that?" brooke asked, "i'm inviting you to join our club and be a clean teen, virgins for life," thomas stifled out a laugh making brooke glare at her male best friend.

"uh, virgins for life?"

rachel asked, "well, maybe not for life, but virgins until marriage, just didn't sound as good," the clean teens member stated, "what exactly does a clean teen do?"

"everything you guys do, expect we abstain from sex," rachel's smile dropped, "you're completely celibate?" the member nods her head, "pretty much,"

"what does pretty much mean?"

the clean teens member looked to thomas who was playing with his food on his tray, "well, we brooke ourselves," thomas stifled another laugh, "i'll join," rachel quickly added, "okay, listen to me,"

"who i am and how i choose to live my life is none of your business," brooke stated, "so, your decisions are your own, then?"

brooke nods her head, "that's right," the club's manager looked at brooke, "what about your baby's decision to be born?" thomas furrowed his eyebrow, "wait, brooke, you're pregnant?"

brooke looked at thomas then to the manager of thr clean teens, "what about my decision i'm making right now to kick your preachy ass?"

thomas looked to his best friend, "brooke," he stated, "brooke, if you don't want to raise your baby, someone will," thomas opened and closed his mouth going say something but stopping himself, "i'm sorry, um when you brooke yourself, do you do that alone or is it a group thing?"

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