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Chapter Thirty-Five: "The Hero Dies in This One"
Season 2, Episode 13

Chapter Thirty-Five: "The Hero Dies in This One" Season 2, Episode 13

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thomas comes into the kitchen with a towel wrapped securely around his waist, seeing lit candles in the kitchen, "haley, we seriously have to hide the matches from your pyro sister,"

taylor comes into the kitchen putting a shirt on as thomas blows out the lit candles, "be grateful it's just candles, when we were kids, i set fire to our bunk beds,"

thomas puts down a candle after blowing it out, "look, where is haley, and does she knows that you're wearing her shirt?" he asked his sister-in-law, "at school,"

taylor said closing the fridge, "and no, i needed a beach cover up," taylor puts things into her beach bag as thomas sighed, "hey.." she pays his back, "i borrowed some cash for beer, i hope you don't mind,"

thomas just scoffed when taylor closed the door to his and haley's apartment behind her, he then hears a ding come from haley's laptop, "and she let haley's computer on,"

he sighed coming towards it, sitting down onto the kitchen stool, "love having you, taylor, come visit anytime," he spoke running his hand through his hair.

looking down at his wife's computer seeing an email from chris keller come up, 'got your message, don't think i can leave you alone' thomas furrowed his eyebrows at the email.

he comes onto the sent items seeing haley emailing chris more times after that, when he sees an email subject named 'I WANT TO KISS YOU!'

he lets out a breath shocked at what he was reading on haley's computer. he shakes his head standing up from the kitchen stool coming into his and haley's bedroom after printing off the emails to chris getting dressed for school.


thomas walks alongside luke after they get out of his car seeing mouth coming towards them, "hey tom, luke," mouth said smiling at his two friends, "i'm taking a poll for the next issue of the paper,"

thomas nods his head, "what is your biggest concern for the upcoming student government election?" mouth asked the best friends, "having to answer polls,"

thomas chuckled at his best friend's answer when brooke comes behind him and lucas, "well, well, well, if it isn't my favourite three voters in the same place,"

she links her arms through lucas's and thomas's arm, "you three can be the first to know i'm running for president," lucas and thomas both turn to brooke shocked, "do i have your support?"

"do we have any choice?" thomas asked brooke, "uh.. let me think about that, no," thomas smiles, "and if you're doing your newspaper gig, mighty mouth.." she looks at mouth, "i'll give you an exclusive on my campaign,"

"oh um.. yeah, we should set that up,"

brooke smiles unlinking her arms from thomas's and lucas's arms, "good," thomas cleared his throat, "okay, i have to go and find haley," lucas furrowed his eyebrows at his best friend when nathan comes towards them after thomas left to go and find his wife.

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