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Chapter Fourteen: "I Shall Believe"
Season 1, Episode 14

Chapter Fourteen: "I Shall Believe" Season 1, Episode 14

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"who's here for thomas smith and lucas scott?"

addy had tears running down her face as karen hugged the smith close to her chest as emily and elijah were in their parent's arms, "are our sons okay?"

the doctor looked at them, "they're stable and in recovery," matthew looked at the doctor, "thomas's left lung collapsed, and lucas's right lung collapsed, we did lose them for a few seconds but like i said.. they're stable and in recovery,"

"and they might have some bruising," matthew, emma, keith and karen nod their heads at the doctor.

"can we go see our sons?"

the doctor nods her head as emma and her family follow the doctor into thomas's hospital room to see thomas with tubes underneath his nose, and his forehead with cuts covered with stitches.


"haley, what are you doing?"

peyton comes towards the counter seeing haley, "inventory," peyton leaned over the counter, "thomas and lucas are in the hospital, why can't you just go and see them?"

haley sighed, "because they wouldn't want to see me," peyton furrowed her eyebrows, "what are you talking about? you guys are best friend and thomas loves you,"

haley shook her head, "not last night we weren't, and last night it seems like he didn't love me," haley looked at peyton, "we got into a fight,"

"about what?"

haley sighed, "you, him and brooke," peyton frowned, "the last thing i said to lucas was i don't like the person you're becoming, and last night i said to thomas was its like i don't even know who you are anymore,"

"you didn't mean it.."

haley looked at peyton, "peyton, what if i can't take it back? what if they don't forgive me," peyton nods her head, "they will but you just need to see them,"

haley sighed, "i don't think i can see thomas at this moment, i'm still trying to.." peyton looked at haley, "avoid him?" haley nods her head, "well.. haley, he's laying in a hospital bed and the first person he probably wants in there is you,"

peyton looked at her, "i'll tell you what, whatever you decide that you're ready, i'll go to the hospital with you," peyton shrugged her shoulders, "strength in numbers," haley nods her head, "yeah, yeah okay, thank you,"

"i'll see you,"


haley and peyton come into thomas's hospital room to see addison, emily and elijah all laying beside their brother, "i can't.."

haley walks out of thomas's hospital room, "haley, wait," haley turns to peyton, "it's alright," haley shook her head, "no, it's not.. they're both laying in there and there's nothing that i can do about it,"

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