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Chapter Seventy: "Good News for People Who Love Bad News"
Season 4, Episode 3

Chapter Seventy: "Good News for People Who Love Bad News" Season 4, Episode 3

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thomas comes towards his wife who was wearing her cheerleading uniform as thomas was wearing a blue buttoned up shirt with a striped tie and then slightly white khakis for their pre-season, "i need to be tutored, i think i'm failing marriage,"

haley turns to her husband with her hand now on her hip, "did you try sleeping with the teacher?" thomas chuckled helping his wife down seeing his brother come past him with kendall and emily by his side.

"so, what's gotten into you?"

he shrugged his shoulders, "i'm just tired of thinking about the accident, i need to get focused again and start thinking about basketball and my grades," haley looked at her husband, "all right,"

thomas stopped his wife, "and you," haley chuckled, "you really are failing marriage, aren't you?" thomas half smiled, "you know i'm always thinking about you, hales,"

haley smiled, "thank you for being so patient with me, i just needed some time," haley nods her head up at her husband, "but after tonight, everything's gonna be better, i promise," he stated, "i'm really glad to see you so happy, but i just don't know if everything that happened to you on that bridge is gonna go away so quickly,"

thomas let's out a breath, "you know, no matter what goes wrong in my life, every time i set foot on that basketball court, it all goes away," he smiled down at his wife, "you'll see," he put his hand to haley's cheek leaning down kissing his wife's lips smiling.

"all right?"

haley smiled sheepishly at her husband who walked away from his wife seeing nathan now come towards him as addison went to help haley hang the poster up, "so, how's emily doing?"

thomas looked at his best friend, "she's doing okay, i know she wants to go back to cheerleading but our mom is kinda scared of what might happen," nathan nods his head at what his best friend said, "like we don't want anything bad to happen to her again, after everything that happened,"

nathan nods his head, "i know what you mean," he stated to his best friend continuing to walk down the hallway.


"i swear to god, if we lose tonight i am going to kill peyton," brooke said from beside lily and addiso also walking with haley, "we will win, thomas, nathan and ryan have got that look in their eyes,"

haley said, "and besides, even if we did lose, it wouldn't be peyton's fault," lily said to her best friend, "yes it would! everything is peyton's fault,"

"she's like a cursed rabbit's foot, she's bad luck," brooke said making the three girls chuckle, "i'm serious, traitor girl," brooke said to haley, "do not take her side, not aganist me,"

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