one hundred and twenty

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One Hundred and Twenty: "A Hand to Take Hold of the Scene"
Season 6, Episode 14

One Hundred and Twenty: "A Hand to Take Hold of the Scene" Season 6, Episode 14

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the smith male comes through his back door seeing his wife in their kitchen drinking a coffee with her back facing him as he smirks, closing the back door quietly behind him.

he touched his wife's waist, "hi baby," haley gasps turning to her husband, "you scared me," thomas chuckled, "you wonderful man," she wrapped her arms around her husband's shoulders.

thomas wrapped his arms around his wife's waist, "oh, i missed you," he touched her back hugging her tight in his arms, "good, shut up and kiss me," the two pull back slightly where the two of them kissed.

"daddy's home! daddy's home!"

thomas moves away from his wife, "oh," he smiles seeing both of his twins running towards him, "there they are," he knelt down, "come here," thomas picked the two of them up in his arms, "i missed you,"

"we missed you too," aurora looked at daddy's face, "how long are you home for?" thomas let's out a breath, "the whole weekend,"

the twins both smiled, "sweet," jaden looked at his father, "you have to come upstairs and see the new jersey mama bought me," aurora nods her head, "and you have to see the new uniform mama got me,"

"okay, i'll be right up,"

he put both of his twins down who ran back upstairs, "so how does it feel to be a pro basketball player?" she asked him, "mostly tired and sore, it's good to be home, though, just take a break from it all,"

haley touched her husband's face, "because you're not gonna be sore and tired after this weekend," he raised an eyebrow, "oh.." he said to his wife's seductive tone, "come on, dad,"

thomas let's out a breath looking away from his wife's eyes, "like i said, it's good to be home," haley smiled, "yeah," the two of them went upstairs.


"hey luke,"

the oldest scott male looked to his best friends, "hey, hales, addi," haley opens her best friend's fridge, "okay, listen i know peyton wasn't supposed to say anything,"

addi looked at lucas, "but she told us that you guys are pregnant and we're so happy for you," the oldest scott sighed, "she wasn't supposed to say anything yet,"

the two married women smiled, "she didn't, ha," addison and haley both hugged their male best friend, "we knew it," lucas furrowed his eyebrows, "congratulations,"

"oh, you guys suck,"

haley looked at him, "oh, get over it," addison looked at lucas, "our male best friend is gonna be a dad, we're gonna be aunts," the two of them smiled, "ooh, listen whatever you need, we are here for you, okay?"

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