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Chapter Sixty: "Just Watch the Fireworks"
Season 3, Episode 15

Chapter Sixty: "Just Watch the Fireworks" Season 3, Episode 15

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"so you want me to tell you something about myself?" thomas shakes his head, "i don't have anything to say,"

he lets out a breath, "even if i did, you'd be wrong to believe me, trust is a lie, nobody ever knows anyone," thomas said from the small screen in the hallways, "huh, you know, people think that if you love somebody hard enough, then everything's just gonna work out,"

"people are wrong, 50 years from now, i hope you got what you wanted, haley," thomas said on the small screen, "but going into that tutor centre that day was the worst mistake of my life, i don't even know why i went in there, when i have amazing grades! i'm in top of my classes,"

haley turns from where she stood in the hallway turning seeing her husband standing there with a look on his face, "but here's a little advice, never get married, cause in the end, you'll only be miserable,"

haley walked off making thomas let out a deep breath, thomas then sees principal turned and coach durham walking, "just shut down the feed,"

"once we remove the door because whoever did this broke the key off in the damn lock," coach looked at turner, "i'll call a locksmith, maybe you better call out the swat team, this could turn ugly,"

thomas was about to walk away when he sees jimmy edwards on the screen, "so you wanna know what things were like 50 years ago? well, the truth is, there's not a single person in this place worth remembering in 50 years,"

thomas turns his head tryna look for jimmy, "so don't believe any of the other crap you're hearing, everyone at tree hill is a liar, like i'm sure russ lahodnie, you know, our all american wrestler, who everyone thinks is this nice, respectful guy,"

thomas bites his lip, "i bet he forget to mention the fact that he's the king of slipping girls the date rape drug," thomas opened his mouth, "can someone shut this down?"

"or miss perfect 4.0 katie radison? yeah, gang bang abortion," thomas ran his hand through his hair, "see, people here are fake, so they stick to their cliques to hide it,"

"i mean, the stoners are medicated, the honour students are afraid, and the jocks, well, they're jocks, man,"

thomas looked at lucas who makes a face, "they'll peak at seventeen, and their cheerleader girlfriends will be fat and lonely by 21, losers,"

"attention students, classes are cancelled for the day,"

thomas looked at his friends not seeing his wife anywhere, "please exit the school in a timely and orderly fashion,"

thomas stands with lucas and mouth when they see jimmy, "hey! jim!" jimmy stops turning to them, "everything okay?" thomas asked his old best friend, "you guys don't talk to me for a year and now you wanna be friends again?"

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