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Chapter Thirty-Three: "The Heart Brings You Back"
Season 2, Episode 11

Chapter Thirty-Three: "The Heart Brings You Back" Season 2, Episode 11

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thomas sighed watching the rain fall from where he sat at the dinner table he had set up for haley who wasn't home.

thomas blows out the candles, unbuttoning his shirt standing up from the chair walking into his and haley's bedroom waiting for his wife to come home.

he comes back into the hallway, running his hand through his hair putting away the food he wasted from waiting for haley to come home, furrowing his eyebrows when he hears someone knocking at his front door.


he questioned putting down the plate coming towards his apartment door, opening it up seeing a girl drenched in her clothes, "wow, haley didn't mess around, huh, you're thomas, right?"

thomas nods his head, "yeah, yeah, do i know you?" he asked the girl who stood in front of him soaking wet, "you should, i'm your sister-in-law,"

"oh uh," thomas hand comes to the back of his neck, "vivan?" he asked the girl who looked at him seriously, "don't make me smack you,"

thomas's smile falls from his face, "okay, um quinn?" he asked again, the girl shaking her head, her hands on her hips, "taylor," thomas makes a face, "haley never mentioned me to you?"

taylor scoffs, "and to think, she's told me all about the smith family," thomas rubbed his hand at the back of his neck, "uh i'm sorry," he apologised, the girl looking at him, "how she used to talk so much about the smith twins, thomas and addison, how she had a crush on you since second grade,"

thomas opens his mouth to say something when taylor asked, "can i come in?" thomas steps aside letting taylor come into his apartment, "yeah," he's about to say something seeing the girl have a tattoo on her lower back.

"you wanna grab that?"

thomas cleared his throat, "what? excuse me?" she looks at him, "my suitcase," taylor said to him, thomas nods his head, "oh yeah,"

he comes outside his apartment grabbing a hold of the girl's suitcase bringing it inside his and haley's apartment closing it behind him, "so uh, haley never said you were coming,"

taylor looks at him once he closed the door to his apartment, "oh she didn't know, so, where is little sis?" taylor asked looking around the apartment, "out,"

taylor looked at him, "oh that's vague," she makes a face, "guess we'll just have to get acquainted until she gets home," thomas looked at her, "yeah, sure, uh.." he said, "just make yourself at home,"

taylor smiles, "careful what you wish for, little brother-in-law," thomas scoffs lightly seeing taylor go towards the spare bedroom, they have in the apartment.

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