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Chapter Forty-Seven: "From the Edge of the Deep Green Seas"
Season 3, Episode 2

Chapter Forty-Seven: "From the Edge of the Deep Green Seas" Season 3, Episode 2

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ryan opens the door to his front door seeing brooke davis standing outside of the sawyer household, with ryan rubbing at his tried eyes, "really, brooke? don't you have a key to our house?"

he asked his sister's best friend who past ryan smiling at the said boy, "i like waking you up," ryan rolled his eyes walking back to his bedroom after closing the door.

brooke was in peyton's bedroom as she wrote on her wardrobe doors, peyton sits up staring at her best friend, "rise and shine," brooke said smiling, "nice of you to knock,"

brooke looked at her best friend, "i didn't want to wake you, sleeping bitchy and anyways, your brother let me in and i had to get the list ready," peyton furrowed her eyebrows, "what list?"

brooke then opens peyton's wardrobe doors showing the names of guys on her wardrobe doors, "this list," brooke smiled, "what is that exactly?"

"mhm, since you and i are both officially available again after me and emily broke up and tonight is the end-of-summer beach party," brooke said coming to her best friend who puts her head back onto her pillow, "which means partial, if not total make nudity,"

brooke comes into peyton's bedroom getting peyton's toothbrush in her hand, "i have made a list of all the available guys and girls, so they we can avoid the pain and hardship of another lucas love triangle,"

peyton puts her toothbrush into her mouth brushing her teeth saying something that brooke couldn't quite make out, "okay, i'm sorry, i didn't get any of that,"

"did you just say something about me puking at a rave?"

peyton looked at brooke from her bathroom, "i said, the lucas you're supposedly dating," brooke half smiled, "non-exclusively,"


peyton rolled her eyes, "what huh? i have dated multiple guys before," peyton nods her head at her best friend, "yeah, i know, in fact, you are the queen of the multiple-boy dating scenario,"

"i'm just surprised you're doing it with lucas," brooke shrugged her shoulders, "well, you know what they say, when it comes to boys, i'm full of surprises,"

peyton comes past her best friend slapping brooke's butt, "but i thought you were the new, responsible brooke," brooke groaned, "uh, so last season, responsible brooke is good, but party brooke is gooder,"

"what about lily?"

brooke furrowed her eyebrows at the mention of their best friend, "what about her?" peyton looked at her best friend, "shouldn't she be mentioned in this whole thing?"

brooke shakes her head, "no, cause lily has ryan, your brother remember," peyton then nods her head, "oh yeah,"

"check it out," brooke comes to the wardrobe doors, "i get lucas, emily, mouth, half the guys on the team, i put my first choices here but we can totally mix and match," peyton rolled her eyes, "any and all lifeguards, nathan's uncle cooper, so hot,"

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