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Chapter Forty-Three: "What Could Have Been,"
Season 2, Episode 21

Chapter Forty-Three: "What Could Have Been," Season 2, Episode 21

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thomas opens the door to his apartment, "welcome home," lucas said to his best friend as lucas put his best friend's duffel bag onto his apartment's couch seeing on his kitchen island, a note from his mother about how she and his father paid for the rent.

"uh bill," he looked through his letters, "bill," thomas looked at his best friend, "ever robbed a bank, luke?" he asked his best friend, "dude, you have money, your family is loaded,"

he nods his head, "yeah, that sounds great but i want to pay for my things by myself," he said to his best friend, "your parents pay for yours and addison's rent,"

"they pay a quarter of addison's rent," he stated to his best friend, "they're only helping to pay for mine since i don't have haley anymore," he looked at his best friend.

lucas looked to his best friend, "what happened, out there, thomas?" thomas remembered everything happening so quickly, "you were there, why don't you tell me?"

lucas looked at his best friend, "your lucky you're even alive, remember your right lung collapsed when we got hit by that car," thomas nods his head, "it's meant to be huh," he said to his best friend.

thomas ran his hand through his hair, "look, did you, you know, feel like... i mean, did you want to?" thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "did i want to what?"

"kill yourself,"

thomas looked at his best friend then to his hands, "cause if that's what happened, you need to see somebody," thomas rolled his eyes, "i'll check out dr phil this afternoon," he said sarcastically to his best friend.

lucas sighed, "how long are you gonna dodge talking to me about this?" thomas let's out a breath, "how long are you gonna dodge telling me you knew my mom was a pill head?"

lucas looked at his best friend making a face, "she's not, they are for her depression thomas," thomas sighed, "look, i screwed up," he said, "i hit the wall, that's all there was to it, okay?"

lucas then makes a face again to his best friend who swiped the letters from his hands, "and anyways, i have money saved up so i can waste that on my hospital bill," lucas ran his hand over his head, "man, your uncles paid for it,"


thomas hopped on his leg to his fridge, "i will pay you back for the hospital bill, it's just that right now i'm completely—" liam stopped his nephew, "no look, thomas, me and finley bought you to that race course so we paid for the bill, it's the only right thing to do,"

thomas sighed, "i'll pay you back i promise," liam shakes his head on the other side of the phone, "it's okay, i should have stayed in the car with you," thomas shaked his head, "no, it's not your fault, it was completely all my fault, i should payed attention and not went too fast on that track,"

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