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Chapter Forty: "The Lonesome Road"
Season 2, Episode 18

Chapter Forty: "The Lonesome Road" Season 2, Episode 18

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thomas started to ring from his pocket as he was still driving back home, getting his phone from his jacket he sees that someone is calling him, "hello?" he asked.

"think fast, what's in a gin and tonic?"

thomas furrowed his eyebrows hearing taylor's voice from the other side of his phone, "taylor?" he questioned, "can you believe two guys already fell for that one today? drunks are so easy,"

thomas continued driving, "mhm, let me guess, you're in a bar," taylor chuckles, "not just any bar, i will have you know, i am in athens georgia... at the famous swinging donkey,"

"what happened to flordia?"

thomas container talking to taylor on the phone, "yeah," he said after they talked about how he went to haley and how she wasn't sitting next to him right now in his car.


thomas parked his car outside of the swinging donkey coming inside the bar sitting himself down as he sees taylor behind the bar bartending, "how about a gin and tonic?"

he asked making taylor turn around looking at her brother in law, "how about i see some id?" thomas takes his fake id from his pocket showing it to taylor who smiles.

she leans against the counter, "so, what brings you to town, sailor?" thomas let's out a breath, "just wanted to check out the swinging donkey, see if it's really as classy as everybody says it is," he said to taylor who listened to him speak, "hmm, what do you think?"

he shrugged his shoulders, "not so much," taylor chuckles, "it does have one thing i am kind of craving," taylor smiles getting a cup into her hand, "i know, gin and tonic,"

he looked at her, "yeah, that, too," taylor stopped looking at her sister's husband, she pours the drink for him, "i guess my phone call worker, you staying the night?"

thomas shrugged his shoulders, "i don't know, i haven't really thought that far ahead," he spoke, "well, i'm house-sitting in the apartment upstairs, you're welcome to stay with me if you'd like,"

"what do you say?"

thomas looked at taylor smiling, "that sounds like a plan," he puts on his charming smile to taylor who smiles back at him continuing to bartend when she chuckles putting a straw into his drink.


thomas kept drinking more and more shots with taylor who was now pouring more shots for the both of them, "okay, get into the game, little girl," she stopped pouring looking at him, "i always knew you were a lightweight, but this is getting embarrassing,"

thomas playfully rolled his eyes, "i'm just warming up," taylor looked at him, "you've been warming up for the past two hours," taylor smirks, "jog out of the bullpen and do a shot!"

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