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Chapter Fifty-Nine: "All Tomorrow's Parties"
Season 3, Episode 14

Chapter Fifty-Nine: "All Tomorrow's Parties" Season 3, Episode 14

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brooke and lily turn to where they sat in the passenger seat and driver's seat to their blonde headed best friend, "you ready to talk about her yet?"

peyton looks at her best friends, "i'm dealing with ellie's death the way she would've wanted me to, by really living life," haley and emily looked at peyton, "i think ryan is dealing with it, by distracting himself with basketball,"

peyton and lily nod their heads, "and what better way than road-tripping to New York in this sweet ride?" peyton said smiling, "and then hopping on a plane nine hours later and flying to charlotte,"

"ellie would've loved it,"

brooke looked back at her best friend, "and rachel is gonna hate it, win-win," brooke then looks back to haley who was sat next to emily, "are we on schedule, navigation girl?"

"well," haley clears her throat, "yeah, expect that we promised to switch sweats once we hit pennsylvania," brooke makes a face, "mhm.. so, h james smith,"

brooke said changing the subject, "what are you more excited about? fashion show or the cheerleading competition?" haley shakes her head, "uh-huh, sharing a hotel room with thomas,"

addison cringed out, "ahh, you are so brooke's roommate!" addison said to her sister in law, "whatever!"

the five girls chuckle, "what about you, addison?" addison looked at brooke, "what?" brooke playfully rolled her eyes, "what are you more excited about fashion show or the cheerleading competition?"

peyton turns to addison, "please, don't say the same thing haley said," addison shakes her head, "i'm more excited about the cheer competition to be honest,"

"oh, slug bug!"

haley then hits peyton's arm as addison hits lily's arm who was in the passenger seat whilst brooks was still driving, the six girls chuckled in the car.


"this year's classic will not be a repeat of last year's debauchery," coach durham said from the front of the bus, "there'll be a eleven o'clock curfew,"

thomas spoke to nathan, ryan and lucas, "the means there'll be no late-nights hot-tubbing, no spinning head bottle, not turning or daring," coach durham said walking down to the back of the bus.

"and that includes the chaperones," emma, matthew, keith and karen all looked at coach who stood there with a look on his face.

thomas turned back to his parents who were looking at whitey who was talking to them about rules and curfew, "your moms playing grab ass on the bus isn't as humiliating as dan assaulting me in the locker room,"

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