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Chapter One: "Pilot"
Season 1, Episode 1

Chapter One: "Pilot" Season 1, Episode 1

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with six weeks without being back at high school was the highlight of thomas's year, he had gotten more into basketball with his dad and elijah.

he also had a glow up over the summer, with his brunette hair slightly long but not that long, thomas focused on taking care of his body, going to the gym area placed in their house by his parents, matthew and emma smith.

addy had focused herself on cheer camp and her boyfriend ryan sawyer who's peyton's twin brother, and elijah just focused on studying for his tests and on soccer practice.

whilst the swimmer of the family, emily smith focused on trying to beat her swimming record.


thomas got out of his car bouncing the basketball in hands as he comes towards his friends, "and here he is, ladies and gentlemen, thomas-lee smith,"

thomas slapped his hand against skill's hand, "what's happening, baby?" thomas smiled before slapping each of his friends hands, "137 and 3 going into tonight's contest,"

junk looked at thomas, "he sucks," lucas passed thomas the basketball when he jumps up before doing a three pointer shot, "and as a special bonus, we're joined in the booth by junk moreti,"

junk looked at mouth who held a recorder in his hand, "you don't have a booth," thomas turned to junk, "hey, come on junk, let mouth think that he has a booth,"

the boys all chuckled when thomas bounced the basketball in between his legs, "and actually, he's 138 and 3–lucas,"

junk looked towards jimmy, "jeez, edwards, but you can't remember to run a bar of soap under your pits?" jimmy looked at junk, "what?"

thomas dunks the basketball into the hoop, "you smell bad, man, you're ripe," jimmy goes to smell his armpits.

the game between the boys now starts, "so, it'll be me and lucas against you guys," junk looked at them, "that ain't fair, why do we get skills?" skills furrowed his eyebrows, "hey!"

they all started laughing at skills who pushed junk, "ready?" they nod their heads, lucas passed the ball to thomas, "thomas smith will the ball, him and lucas currently nurses a winning streak,"

thomas makes his way past junk before passing the basketball to lucas who shots and scores a three pointer, "nice!" thomas smiled at lucas, "come on,"

thomas looked towards mouth, "and that's 14-13, game point for team double s," both lucas and thomas slapped their hands together, "now for those of you at home,"

junk stood in front of thomas passing him the basketball, "lucas wears his black shorts tonight with his traditional white high-tops as thomas wears black shorts with his black trainers,"

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