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Chapter Seventy-Three: "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?"
Season 4, Episode 6

Chapter Seventy-Three: "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?" Season 4, Episode 6

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thomas went to peyton's house along with his best friend after hearing what happened with the guy she thought was her brother who was some guy who was obsessed with peyton, "peyton, peyton,"

lucas said at the girl's front door with thomas behind, when thomas looks up seeing peyton standing at her window before throwing down her house keys.

just when lucas opened the door, ryan was stood there with a black eye, "oh man, what happened to you?" ryan shakes his head, "i knew he wasn't our real brother, there was just something weird about him,"

he said to his friends, "peyton's upstairs, she's painting her bedroom, she hasn't slept in fourth eight hours," ryan said to his friends before coming out his and peyton's house.

thomas walks upstairs towards his ex girlfriend's bedroom where peyton unlocked her bedroom with the locks on her bedroom door, "thanks for almost braining us with the keys,"

"wow, uh—"

lucas and thomas looked around peyton's bright bedroom where the walls weren't red anymore, "it's bright," peyton didn't turn to him continuing to paint, "yea, well, pyscho derek's still out there, i really haven't been able to sleep for fourth eight hours,"

"i thought maybe i'd try to paint the shadows away," thomas makes a face, running his hand through his hair as haley started to call him, "um, i gotta go, but peyton,"

the blonde headed girl turned to face her ex boyfriend, "whatever you need, just call me," peyton half smiled at her ex boyfriend, "thank you," thomas walked out of peyton's bedroom, going downstairs looking around the neighbourhood before locking her door.


"can you talk to your mom? maybe she can help," thomas now held his motorcycle helmet in hand, "hales, my parents already help too much, okay? i'll get my job at my mom's cafe,"

he looked at his wife, "what in basketball season?" thomas bit his lip, "when basketball season ends, i'll ask my mom, but we can't keep going to my parents,"

"okay, i'm sorry, it's just—" haley held onto her husband's arm, "we're gonna have a family soon, and i guess i just need that guy from the press conference to tell me everything's gonna be okay again,"

thomas half smiled looking down at his wife, "it will, oh, and i know that we're gonna eventually need to get another car," haley nods her head, "so i figured until then you can ride with me,"

"i know you don't expect me to wear this,"

thomas chuckled, "come on, it's so garden state, besides, you were the one that needed a helmet to ride a motorcycle.."

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