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Chapter Eighty-Eight: "All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone"
Season 4, Episode 21

Chapter Eighty-Eight: "All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone" Season 4, Episode 21

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thomas leads his wife out of the gymnasium with the rest of their friends who didn't go with nathan and addison came with them, with the ambulance putting the gurney down, "you riding with us, son?"

thomas nods his head as he looked at his friends, "are you guys gonna be okay getting to the hospital?" brooke smiled, "we'll be fine, go on, go!" the ambulance closed the back doors as thomas held his wife's hand in his.

thomas comes into the hospital where he sees his best friend watching as the nurses and doctors lead karen into the surgery room as the doctors take haley towards the pregnancy room, as he comes closer to his best friend hugging lucas.

thomas comes into the surgery room where he sees his wife with her legs up, as the doctor puts a coat onto thomas who comes towards his wife holding her hand, "come on, haley, just breathe,"

the doctor spoke, "you're doing good, baby, you're doing so good," thomas leaned in kissing hud wife's forehead as he encouraged her, "i'm right here," haley breathes.

thomas feels his wife squeezing his hand hard, as the doctor ushered for her to push, "come on, baby, push," haley groans as she pushes tilting her head back when she hears a cry coming, "it's a girl,"

when the doctor looked at them, as the doctor handed his and haley's baby to the nurses to clean their daughter up, "haley push for me," haley nods her head as thomas held his wife's hand, "i'm right here, baby, just one more push,"

haley pushed their second baby five minutes later as thomas smiles hearing the crying sound of their second baby when the doctor lifts their baby boy up, "it's a boy," thomas smiled turning to his wife seeing her start to cry, "you did good, just relax,"

"you're a dad,"

thomas smiles kissing his wife's hand, "you did so good," he rubbed the back of her hand smiling, "we have a son and daughter, we have twins," haley smiles, "i wanna see them,"

a nurse hands haley their son when another nurse hands thomas their daughter, thomas supported their daughter's head smiling down at his daughter who stopped crying, "she's perfect,"

he looked at her little hands and feet smiling as the blanket covered her naked body, "they're perfect," haley looked at their son, "welcome to the world, jaden carter smith,"

thomas kissed his wife's forehead as they looked at their daughter, "welcome to the world, aurora camilla smith," haley said the name he wanted to name his daughter for a long time, "look, it's your daddy,"

"they're so beautiful,"


thomas and haley moved out of their apartment and into a bigger house, two weeks later with their new house being already all unpacked with the help of their parents and family.

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