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Chapter Sixty-Six: "Over the Hills and Far Away"
Season 3, Episode 21

Chapter Sixty-Six: "Over the Hills and Far Away" Season 3, Episode 21

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"brooke, let me in!"

haley said to her ex roommate with her head tryna poke into her and thomas's apartment, "no, it's not ready, go away,"

brooke looked at haley, "well, it's my apartment," haley then opens her and her husband's apartment door, "and it's my wedding dress for that matter," she closed the door behind her, "no, it will be,"

brooke looked at her ex roommate, "but for now, it is my wedding dress and it is not ready," haley looked at her friend, "does it look like my dream dress? like vera wang meets snow white ?"

"it's better,"

haley smiles, "yay!" haley sits down onto her couch, "this is so exciting, so, how did—" brooke said getting her recorder to play, "thomas ask you to marry him the first time?"

"um," haley looked at brooke, "well, it was raining and we just had that argument," she closed her eyes, "the... that one that i told you about,"

"oh, the one about the internet porn?" brooke asked, "yes, thank you for reminding me,"

brooke hums, "anyway, we made up in the rain," brooke chuckles, "and we were laying in bed the next day, and uh he just looked over at me and said, you're my family now, and he said that he could love me forever,"

haley said making brooke smile, "then he asked me to marry him," brooke looked at haley, "that's so sweet," haley nods her head, "yeah,"

"but the dress still isn't ready, so you need to find something else to do with yourself, chop-chop," brooke went behind the wall, "you're such a grouch when lucas isn't around,"

"how long until he gets back?"

haley asked brooke, "a couple of hours, just in time for your rehearsal party, which like your dress is a total surprise,"

haley frowned, "i hate surprises," brooke smiled, "i know thomas loves surprises but with this surprise, you won't, i promise," brooke said smiling, "get out of here,"


thomas comes into his and haley's apartment stopping when he sees his wife standing in a white dress, "whoa! sorry," thomas closed his eyes, "i'm not supposed to see you in your wedding dress, right?"

haley looked at her husband who's eyes were still closed, "it's okay, you can open your eyes, cause this is not my wedding dress," haley said to thomas, "it's not?"

he asked opening his eyes closing their apartment door behind him, "no, it's supposed to be, but there is no way that i'm getting married in this frock," she said to him.

thomas looked at his wife, "i asked brooke to make me something simple and elegant, and instead, she makes me something that's so... brooke!" thomas put his hand into his pocket, "well, maybe you should wear it anyway,"

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