one hundred and twenty-one

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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-One: "We Change, We Wait.."
Season 6, Episode 15

" Season 6, Episode 15

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the charleston chiefs come into a huddle, "okay," thomas smiled at the teammates, "this is it, the last play, we're gonna go four our, swing rattle," bobby looked at his team, "spread the defense, and isolate fourteen at the top of the key,"

thomas nods his head, "devon, you're gonn break down your man," bobby looked at the player, "if you get doubled up, you hit rhodes cutting under the basket,"

devon scoffed, "i got this," bobby nods his head, "all right, here we go," he looked at his team, "everybody knows where they're supposed to be, chiefs on three," the chiefs out their hands in, "one, two, three,"


devon looked at thomas, "you know where you're supposed to be, thirty four?" thomas let's out a breath, "let's go, let's go, baby, i got this,"

the smith male turnt back looking to his twins who frowned, "aww what? oh, come on," thomas sighed, "let's go, guys, bring it home," he clapped his hands cheering for his teammates.

thomas ran a hand through his hair at where the charleston chiefs just lost, as the chiefs come into the locker room, "now, who saw me throw down that windmill in the third quarter? huh? it was sick,"

"somebody better put that on a poster, that's all i'm saying,"

thomas turned to devon, "you do realise we lost the game?" devon looked at thomas who was sat in a chair, "no, you lost, i had thirty three points,"

the smith male chuckled, "that's funny, last time i checked it's a team sport," devon laughed, "you don't get it," he stepped close to thomas, "see, the nba only scouts players who put up big numbers, tonight, i did that, so i won,"

thomas played with his bracelet bored of the conversation, "and your ass is only here to keep the bench warm," thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "oh, is that right?"


thomas stepped up, "is there a problem here?" bobby asked coming in behind devon, "no, no problem," the smith male stated, "just reminding your boy here whose teams this is," devon said, "yeah, that's what i thought,"

devon moved away from thomas who glanced towards his basketball coach who didn't say anything, "it's devon fox's house!" he said loud enough.


thomas comes down the steps to his wife and kids, "well, this is the first five-game losing in my career," he looked at his wife, "i think i like winning better,"

jaden and aurora looked up at their father, "you didn't lose, daddy, those losers did," thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "whoa, somebody's a little fired up,"

haley nods her head, "yea," her hand was on their kid's shoulders, "you should have seen them twenty minutes ago," she slapped her hand against her kid's shoulders, "you know what, rory, jambo? i wear that uniform, just like they do,"

he looked down to his kids, "so it doesn't matter if i'm playing or not, it's still my team," thomas ram a hand through his hair, "we win as a team and we live as a team, remember that, okay?"


the twins nod their heads as thomas half smiled, "all right," he messed up their hair with the twins coming down the steps, "you okay?"

haley touched her husband's arm, "i am now," he spoke with a charming smile, "good, let's get you home," the smith male wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulder walking beside her.


thomas walked into his coach's office seeing bobby watching the game over, "if devon made the pass, we would've won," bobby looked at thomas, "maybe,"

the smith make looked at coach, "okay, i wanted to talk to you about playing time," he sets his duffel bag down, "thomas, you've been here about five minutes, and you're still learning the offense, not to mention a new position,"

"i know,"

thomas nos his head, "but if the team were winning, we wouldn't be having this conversation," bobby sighed, "you play the same position as the best player on this team,"

"devon scored thirty three points night,"

thomas hummed, "and he had one asssit..and that was off of an air ball they called a pass," bobby smiled, "look the job of the point guard is to get the team involved, so unless he learns to pass the ball, the team's gonna keep losing, i've seen it before,"

"you know what you sounded like just then? a coach,"

thomas ran a hand through his hair, "but you turned down that job, remember?" bobby asked him, "just gonna have to wait your turn, tom," thomas sighed, "here, take this," bobby hands him a book, "it has some of our offensive sets, let's see how they sink in, then maybe we'll talk about playing time,"

"my number's in there if you have any questions,"
"yeah," thomas outstretched his hand, "thanks, coach," he shook bobby's hand walking away.


thomas smiles when he hears the piano being played, where he walked closer ti the sound seeing his talented wife sat on the piano, "i'm still tryna figure out how i ended up with such a talented wife,"

haley smiled, "you just got lucky," thomas smiled charmingly at his wife, "no, getting lucky is how i got our kids," haley chuckled as thomas walked closer to his wife, "how did it go with the coach?"

"it looks like i won't be playing anytime soon,"

her smile falters, "aw, i'm sorry tom," he shook his head, "it's okay, i think you and the kids should skip the next few games, i don't wanna let them down,"

"let them down?" haley scoffed, "you're their hero," thomas looked at her, "exactly," he sits next to haley in the piano chair, "it can't be easy to watch your hero sit the bench,"

her hands come into her husband's shoulder, "baby, we go to those games to support you, whether you play or not," her hand come down to his stomach, "and besides, i think it's important for our kids to see you not giving up,"

"maybe you're right,"
"i am,"

thomas turned to her smiling, "besides, we're a team, right? we win together and we lose together," he nods his head, where he leaned in kissing his wife, "right,"

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