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Chapter Eighteen: "To Wish Impossible Things"
Season 1, Episode 18

Chapter Eighteen: "To Wish Impossible Things" Season 1, Episode 18

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"come on, let's get those bids up, it's the annual boy toy auction," whitey stands in front of a podium, "alright i've got 25, do i hear 40?" whitey sighed, "oh come on people, this is for charity, $40?"

"coming up right there, anybody got 50? how about $50? $50?" the girls wave around their money, "$50? and remember for the next five hours, til midnight tonight, these boys are at your call,"

"how about $55?" a women waved he money around, "55," whitey smiled, "55, going once, going twice, sold for $55," the guy comes towards the curtains, "pay your money and come and get your boy,"

emma and sheri sat at the table with the boy's names, "look," brooke stood in front of the table, "i have credit cards, okay? i have gold? platinum, for crap sake,"

emma frowned, "i'm sorry brooke, but auction rules say cash only, okay?" brooke pats tedi's chest coming close to emma and sheri, "here's the thing, i'm kind of coming out of a dark place right now and i could really use the distraction,"

emma frowned, "i need this boy and i need him tonight," sheri looked at brooke, "i understand, but by rule, we have to give him to the next highest bidder if she has the money to give,"

the girl put her money in front of emma's and sheri's face as emma took the money from the girl's hand as sheri was about to hand over tedi's name board when brooke holds onto it, "oh no, no no,"


sheri slaps brooke's hands away, "brooke," sheri hands the board towards the girl with a small smile on her face, "thank you,"

brooke sighed, "okay, that did not just happen because i had an entire evening planned," sheri rubbed at her head, "so what am i supposed to do now?"

emma looked at one of her son's friend, "well, there are six boys still up for auction, including elijah.." brooke furrowed her eyebrows, "and a cash machine right down the street,"


jake comes towards thomas and lucas after tom finished with his auction, "you dirty bird," thomas bro hugged jake, "who bought you?"

jake shrugged his shoulders, "i don't know, but however it is will be fun, it's for charity, right?" thomas and lucas nod their heads, "yeah, man," jake looked at lucas, "go and get 'em,"

thomas smiled at his best friend after elijah had just finished his bidding for $150 dollars from some girl in elijah's classes, lucas walks up the steps before coming out from the curtains showing himself to all of the ladies.

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