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Chapter Seventy-Eight: "Everything in its Right Place"
Season 4, Episode 11

Chapter Seventy-Eight: "Everything in its Right Place" Season 4, Episode 11

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thomas comes into his and haley's bedroom, "you okay? you look like you're a million miles away," he stated handing the glass of water she requested, "i didn't even know their names,"

thomas furrowed his eyebrows at his wife, "who?" haley drank her water, "the poor men who hit me and addison," thomas sat down at the edge of their bed, "that poor men? haley, you and addison were a victim, he ran you and addison over,"

haley nods her head, "i know, but it was an accident, and— and they're dead," thomas looked at his wife, remembering that he punched bear a few times, "and the way that they were killed, i— i don't know how dan could do something like that,"

"did you and nathan even know who they were?"

thomas shakes his head, "no," he said lying, "no, you were the only thing on my mind," he stated to his wife letting out a breath, "now, listen, i should get going, i'm gonna be late for school, but uh my mom and karen is gonna come by later to check on you, and then i'll swing by at lunch and bring you some soup,"

haley looked at her husband, "okay," she played with the glass on her hands, "chicken noodle with some extra—" thomas stops his wife, "with extra noddles, i'm on it,"

he chuckled, "thank you," he holds out his hands for his wife smiling, "i love you," thomas smiled at his wife, "i love you, too," he comes out of their bedroom, with his bagpack on his shoulder.


thomas sat himself down beside thomas in calculus when he hears mouth's phone ringing where gigi comes onto the screen, "hi, mouth, it's me gigi,"

thomas slightly chuckled to himself heading gigi talking, "i can see that," thomas gets his notebook from his bagpack, "quick question, what do you like better, text or IM?"

mouth furrowed his eyebrows, "for what?" gigi looks at her boyfriend, "for when i break up with you," thomas turns his head seeing brooke and rachel at the back of the classroom.

he turns his head around when he saw rachel waving her hand to him smiling, he runs his hand through his hair letting out a breath, when mouth closed his iphone sighing, "girls problems?"

mouth turned to his friend, "you have no idea," thomas then gets handed an empty calculus test, "okay, people, clear your desks, get your pencils ready,"

thomas puts his thing into his bagpack expect for his calculus quiz paper, thomas turns his head seeing shelly stand near rachel and brooke talking to them about clean teens.

shelly then sat next to thomas who half smiled at shelly, "hey," shelly smiles at him, "hey," thomas then turns to his quiz paper, "okay, you've got thirty minutes to complete the quiz, when i call time, i want pencils down,"

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