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Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Somewhere a Clock is Ticking"
Season 2, Episode 16

Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Somewhere a Clock is Ticking" Season 2, Episode 16

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thomas groaned leaning over continuing to hear his phone constantly ringing, he ran his hand over his face leaning over getting his phone from his bedside table pressing it against his ear after seeing it was haley calling him.

"i didn't know rock stars were such early risers," he spoke moving back leaning against his headboard, "we just finished rehearsing all night," haley said from the other side of the phone.

thomas ran his hand through his hair, "yeah," he said, "don't let me stop you from falling into bed with chris," he looked at his bedroom wall, "it's not like that and you know it,"

he scoffed, "i don't know anything anymore," he said moving the covers off from his legs, "i was just calling to tell you that we're gonna be on tv," he half smiled hearing haley, "we're doing this live interview and i was hoping you'd watch,"

thomas ran his hand through his hair, "is that why you called?" he asked haley through the phone, "thomas, none of this means anything if i can't share it with you,"

he sighed as he stands up from his bed, "keith's wedding today," haley made a face, "he's getting married," thomas nods his head, "yeah, it won't last though,"

haley let's out a breath, "what-what can i say to make things better? because i really want to, you know," thomas shakes his head, "you can't, see that's the part you have to live with,"

thomas looked out of his and haley's apartment window, he ended the phone call with haley coming into his kitchen slamming his hands down onto the kitchen island, running his hand through his hair angrily.


thomas comes into his parent's fridge taking out food putting them into his duffel bag, "just leave the caviar, i've acquired a taste for it," lucas said as he opened a bottle of water from thomas's parents fridge.

nathan looked at his best friend, "you know, there's gonna be free food at keith's wedding today," thomas looked at his friends, "no thank you, i'm not going to that,"

lucas looked at thomas, "you're really gonna do that to keith?" thomas scoffed, "look who's talking," thomas said putting more things into his duffel bag, "i can't actually believe you two are letting him go through with it,"

"he loves her and she loves him,"

lucas shrugged his shoulders, "she just made a mistake, you gonna crucify her for the rest of her life?" thomas makes a face, "haley called this morning,"

he said to his friends, ryan perking up hearing about his friend's wife, "that's great," thomas nods his head, "yeah, to tell me she gonna be on tv today, you believe that?"

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