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Chapter Sixty-Nine: "Things I Forgot at Birth"
Season 4, Episode 2

Chapter Sixty-Nine: "Things I Forgot at Birth" Season 4, Episode 2

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thomas woke up on the edge of the bridge with his leg dangling off of the bridge ledge, he stands up dusting himself off running his hand through his hair, looking down to the river.

he sighs coming towards his car driving back to his and haley's apartment where he knows his wife would be awake by now, "hey," he stated opening his apartment door seeing haley sitting on the sofa, "hey, i was worried about you,"

thomas puts his jumper down onto the chair, "well, i went to go and visit liam and emily," haley looked at her husband, "how are they?" thomas shook his head, "there's no change, still unconscious,"

haley let's out a breath, "i saw rachel grab the wheel from liam, and if they doesn't.." she stops shaking her head, "if they don't make it, she's to blame,"

thomas ran his hand through his hair, "did you see anything else?" haley turned to her husband, "what do you mean?"

he licked his lips, "like maybe, uh..someone else in the water?" haley turnt off the television fully turning to her husband, "i don't.. i don't understand," she stated to thomas, "i mean, other than rachel, emily and liam, you, lucas, ryan and nathan were the only ones in the water, why?"

thomas furrowed his eyebrows when the phone started to ring, "hello?" he said answering the phone, "yeah, oh, okay, great, thank you," he puts their home phone down looking at his wife, "emily and liam are awake," haley smiled at her husband.


haley was at karen's diner working with deb when a customer comes to the front counter, "excuse me," dev smiled, "yeah,"

the customer looked at them, "no one's waited on our table in about fifteen minutes," deb looked at the lady, "i ordered the reuben, not the tuna salad,"

dev leans forward, "oh, gosh, i'm sorry," she said sarcastically, "but um, judging by the size of your ass," haley turned back to deb, "maybe you should try the tuna salad and consider it a favour,"

the women glared at deb walking to her table, "to go, then?" deb asked, "let's go," the women stated to the other women she was sat with.

deb takes a bite out of the tuna salad sandwich, "too bad, the tuna salad's delicious," she said with a mouth full smiling, "come again, fat ass!"

haley looked at her friend's mother in utter shock at what the women said to their customers.


thomas knocked onto his uncle's liam hospital room, "liam? how you doing?" he asked his uncle coming closer to him, "i guess i'm still alive," thomas makes a face, "come here,"

thomas comes closer to his uncle hugging liam in his arms, "thank you, they told me that you saved me, emily and rachel," liam looked at his nephew, "how is emily?"

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