one hundred and thirteen

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Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen: "Messin' With the Kid"
Season 6, Episode 7

Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen: "Messin' With the Kid" Season 6, Episode 7

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nathan passed the ball to thomas who was halfway in the air before slam dunking the ball into the slamball hoop, as haley, addison, jamie, aurora and jaden cheered, "whoo!"

"oh, daddy can fly,"

aurora said to her and her twin brother's mom and aunt, "yes, he can," thomas chuckled comes over to his wife and twins with addison going over to her husband with their son, "oh, i can't tell you how happy it makes us—"

the twins and jaden ran to the trampolines as the adults all talked, "to see you guys playing," thomas kissed the top of his wife's head, "thanks, baby,"

thomas let's out a breath with his hands on his hips, "you know, it would make us happy to see you guys playing again too," haley and addison looked at nathan and thomas with small frowns, "you haven't been in the studio in a while,"

haley shrugged her shoulders, "yeah, well, too much has happened lately to think about music," thomas frowned, "oh,"

he looked down to his wife, "the deal was we'd both go after our dreams, remember?" haley let's out a breath, "yeah, mama," the twins and jamie looked at their mothers, "we like it when you sing,"

"oh, you do, huh?"

the twins bounced on the trampolines, "i hope you don't think we're uncool, when we say that you're late for school," the twins and jamie stopped bouncing, "oh, never mind,"

haley and thomas chuckled with addison and nathan, "ha-ha-ha," jaden throws the basketball to his dad who catches it, "bye baby," he then looks to his twins, "see you, buddy, princess,"

thomas passed the ball to nathan who slam dunked the basketball into the hoop.


"hi, babe,"

emily kissed her girlfriend's cheek coming out of her and brooke's shared bedroom, who was setting up three plates on the table, stopping when she sees her girlfriend, "hi babe,"

brooke leans over kissing her girlfriend's lips, "hmm, good morning," brooke smiled as emily leans over the counter stealing another kiss from brooke, "i love you,"

"i love you too,"

emily sat at their kitchen counter, "sam, max, i made breakfast!" brooke shouts from the kitchen, not hearing any footsteps or movement in her house, "sam! max!"

brooke walks to sam's bedroom where max and sam had slept together in the same bed, being used to sharing a bed and room together, "come on," knocking on the door opening it up seeing the bed nicely made with the bedroom window wide open, "unbelievable,"


emily questions her girlfriend, "they went out from the window," brooke stated with emily running a hand through her head.

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