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Chapter Seventy-Five: "Nothing Left to Say But Goodbye"
Season 4, Episode 8

Chapter Seventy-Five: "Nothing Left to Say But Goodbye" Season 4, Episode 8

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thomas was at the rivercourt with nathan when nathan threw the basketball into the hoop where it rolls onto the grass where daunte and one of daunte's men standing, "there's no reason you guys should be here anymore, we're done,"

thomas stood next to his best friend looking at them, "hear that, bear? the kid says we're done, maybe we should leave," daunte said sarcastically, "we made sure we did win by less then ten points,"

he stated, "that was the deal," daunte looked at them, "yeah, well, i thought about that, and i think i'm gonna extend our partnership,"

thomas and nathan furrowed their eyebrows, "what are you talking about?" daunte looked at them, "state championship, a lot of people think we're gonna win tomorrow night,"

"all of those people are right,"

daunte throws the basketball to thomas who catches it with his fast reflexes, "no they aren't," nathan scoffed, "we're not gonna lose that game,"

daunte puts his hands onto his hips, "think about next year, nate, tom, you're gonna be a duke blue devil get to play on tv, i wonder what duke would do if they found out that their star recurits shaved some points in a high school basketball game,"

thomas looked at daunte, "you did nothing for me, my parents are paying for everything," he said to daunte through gritted teeth, "like anybody would believe you,"

"i got proof,"

daunte smiles, "your last game was your guys's worst game of the year, eight and nine turnovers? hell, you both missed three lay ups in the fourth quarter,"

thomas thought about it knowing daunte was right, "i mean, even bear thought that was a bit much," thomas and nathan looked in between the two men, "all it takes is a whisper, and your future's over,"

"would you risk your future and the future of your pretty little wives for a meaningless trophy?" thomas clenched his jaw as daunte mentioned his wife and his twin sister, "yeah, that's right,"

daunte pats their shoulders, "think it over, i'm sure you'll both do the right thing," thomas looked down to his shoes where bear and daunte walked away to the car smiling.


thomas and nathan walked to their basketball coach office, "you wanted to see us, coach?" coach durham smiles, "yeah, come on in, boys,"

coach takes off his glasses, "take a seat," both thomas and nathan place themselves down onto the chairs, "i just wanted to tell you that you're getting the most valuable player trophy at tonight's banquet,"

nathan smiled, "i'd like to ask lucas and ryan to present it to you both," the two boys smile, "okay," thomas looked at their coach, "i also found the alumi are giving me some kind of a lifetime achievement thing,"

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