one hundred and four

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One Hundred and Four: "Cryin' Wont Help You Now"
Season 5, Episode 16

One Hundred and Four: "Cryin' Wont Help You Now" Season 5, Episode 16

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aurora and jaden looked at their father who was now tying up jaden's shoelaces, "what's wrong with grandpa dan and uncle austin?" thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "what do you mean?"

he now looked at his twins, "they didn't come to our and jamie's birthday party, everyone else came, we really wanted them to come," thomas half frowned, "yeah, i know you guys did,"

aurora looked at her dad, "your guy's party was still pretty cool, right?" the twins nods their heads, "yeah, but grandpa dan and uncle austin said they missed us,"

thomas let's out a sigh looking at where jaden's tigers basketball jersey was with aurora's cheerleading uniform in their playroom, "well, you know that old jersey and cheer uniform you two live so much?"

the twins looked at their dad nodding their heads, "uh-huh," thomas frowned, "that was from them," jaden smiled, "really? we knew it!" thomas chuckled as haley comes into their kid's playroom.

jaden and aurora leaning over getting their favourite birthday present in their hands, "hey," thomas stands up from his kneeled position, "mama," haley looked at her twins, "grandpa dan and uncle austin got us their birthday present,"


haley let's out a breath, touching her kid's heads turning to face her husband, "can i talk to you for a second?"

thomas nods his head when emily comes into the playroom playing with her niece and nephew in their playroom as thomas followed his wife downstairs into the kitchen, "they're dying, hales,"

haley furrowed her eyebrows, "what?" she opened her mouth, "i knew dan had hcm but austin," thomas nods his head, "he didn't know until he got out of jail, they need a heart transplant," he shrugged his shoulders, "dan's got six months and austin's got eight months to live, maybe not even that,"

haley crossed her arms over her chest, "do you actually believe them? they're not even that old," thomas looked at his wife, "i don't know," he shrugged his shoulders again, "i mean, it's them, but they've even drawn up a will,"

he sighed, "i know dan is living nathan and addison the beach house, and austin is leaving us his house, among other things," haley looked up at her husband, "and this time he seemed scared,"

thomas ran a hand through his hair, "i mean, i've seen my brother be a lot of things, hales," he shook his head, "but never scared," haley looked at her husband, "well, if it is true, at least now we know why they want to spend so much time with jamie, aurora and jaden,"

"nothing like a ticking clock,"

thomas shook his head, "ticking clock or not, they're not spending any time with our kids," he noted to his wife, haley comes into her husband's arms who kissed the top of her head, "um, remember when i told that i was gonna help brooke be there for angie?"

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