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Chapter Nineteen: "How Can You Be Sure?"
Season 1, Episode 19

Chapter Nineteen: "How Can You Be Sure?" Season 1, Episode 19

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haley opens the door to her boyfriend's apartment with her key coming towards thomas's bedroom to see her boyfriend sleeping shirtless in bed.

haley goes around thomas's double bed coming onto his bed, "hey you, wake up," thomas groaned opening his blue eyes to see haley above him, "hey," he smiled at his girlfriend, "hey,"

haley runs her hand over thomas's naked chest, "i didn't hear you come in," haley smiled, "well you didn't hear your alarm clock either," thomas looked at haley, "that's cause it didn't go off, everybody gets up at six, geez,"

haley smiled, "well, it's time to get up," haley goes to move away, "i am already up," he grabbed onto haley's arm pulling her down into his chest, "come here,"

"oh yeah?"

thomas kissed his girlfriend's lips smiling, "oh, i'll get that," thomas smiled at haley as she goes to his alarm clock leaning over when thomas sees haley's tattoo on her back with his jersey number.

"you want me to start your shower?" thomas blinked, "uh, yeah, thanks," haley smiled, "okay," haley gets off of her boyfriend's bed coming towards his bathroom.


thomas comes towards his locker as both nathan and lucas into the locker room after thomas, as he unlocked the combination to his basketball locker, "so.."

thomas and nathan turned towards lucas, "this whole thing with addison and haley really was just your guy's way of messing with me, huh?" thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "what's your problem now, lucas?"

lucas looked at them, "i saw you making out with peyton last night.." lucas looked at his best friend then to nathan, "and i also saw you kissing lily,"

thomas looked at lucas, "lucas, we kissed because it was the auction rules, but i don't know about nathan," nathan crosses his arms over his chest, "i only kissed lily cause of the auction rules,"

lucas looked at them, "i know what i saw," thomas just sighed turning back to his locker when lucas closed nathan's locker, "i'm about to beat your ass, man,"

thomas runs his fingers through his hair, "lucas-" thomas pushed his best friend back, "i promised both addison and haley-" lucas looked at thomas who just frowned, "that i'd give you a break, but that's the only thing that's saving you right now,"

nathan pushes lucas back, "look, i kissed lily just like ryan kissed addison, that's it," thomas furrowed his eyebrows at lucas, "what are you so tweaked about?"

lucas sighed, "never mind, sorry," lucas held up his hands looking in between them, "sorry," lucas backs up as thomas looked at him, "lucas wait!" lucas grabbed his bagpack walking out of the locker room.

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